Ni Hao... ^___^!! Nothing, I just wanted
to tell you I uploaded a new chapter that's all... R&R!!
Eight: The Beast and the Hunter...
The night has spread its dark clothe over the sun's rays, as the darkness enveloped
the light... rain has stopped and the sky is almost dark and gloomy... stars and the moon are hardly seen... they are stepping
into the fourth day now... what shall happen? "F***ing sh** eating a** h***s!! Let go of us!!" the temple boy cursed demanding...
he was by him self tied to a chair, and Asako with Mayuko tied together in another... the boy was running out of breath...
not to forget that the bad guys seem to take courses in tying knots!! He just couldn't get them to unfold!! "Don't waste
your breath Ushio... it's not working!" said Mayuko, ocean gray eyes feeling pity for her friend struggling to death, spear
propped a few feet away... a little too far away, making it's barrier grow sore and edgily clingy!! Not to forget mentioning
hazardous!! Breathing hard like a beast about to blow up, the temple boy seemed to be in a mad rage enough to blast the whole
plane up with every thing else with it!! "Darn it... my arms are killing me, I've got this itch down by arm that I've gotta
scratch!!" complained Asako, wiggling her arms wanting to release her arms...
A second of silence, then Fuusetsu moved
inwards towards them from the second class... walking pass them he only glared the temple boy, as their eyes met in a split
second... carrying on his way, Fuusetsu went in the cockpit again, with the three kids tied up in the first class seats, and
the rest of the hostages were sent back to the second and third row... with Mayuko's parents... "Hey! One leg!!" cried
the temple boy; just before Fuusetsu let go of the keratin... he froze, slowly turning to him with an offended glare, and
then he walked towards him silently... "Yes?" he simply said... "How may I be of service to you?" he mocked with a faint
faked grin... before Ushio can even answer, he found his short hair gripped not so nicely yanked hard, if like the man was
trying to pluck it off his head... "The name is Fuusetsu 'Bart'!!" his last word had the tone of an orange beasts growl in
it!! "Uh!" the temple boy blinked, one eye shut in pain, the other almost slitted glaring the man... surprised that he
sounded so much like Tora when he gets pissed off! Slowly, Fuusetsu let go of Ushio's scalp... "Hey!! What do you think
your doing you big bully?" cried Asako feeling like she wanted to bite him... her sharp teeth gave him a shiver! "You
know... I don't usually play around, specially not with kids..." he said calmly with a frown "but you three amaze me..." he
continued "why have you come all this way for? Just for a few measly humans?" he asked wondering... "Measly humans? And
what are you then?" scolded Asako... he just glared at her, then shifted his gaze towards Mayuko who was eyeing him oddly...
"What are you staring at?" harshly scolding, he wasn't the type that liked to be stared all... familiar, wouldn't you
say? "What's your motive from all of this?" she asked... "Did you kidnap a whole plane with its passengers just to get
'Her'?" she had her voice a little high, sounding more like she was scolding... "She and I have a score to settle... this
score goes way back, about 600 years ago..." he explained... "wow-Wow-WOW!! What the f*** are you talking about?" squeaked
the temple boy, puzzled... "Who's this 'she' you're talking about?" he didn't know!? Go figure... -.-||| "Their talking
about Shadow stupid!" scolded Asako almost whispering, eyes almost slitted... he only answered her with this 'Oh!!' stupid
look on his face... "I wouldn't think you'd be interested in listening..." then slumped back walking towards the cockpit...
"Wait!! We do!!" said Mayuko... she wanted to keep him from going into the cockpit for some reason... but he only stood
near the spear, slowly walking to it, it hummed oddly... Ushio blinked... what's between them? Fuusetsu and the spear... some
how, they seemed connected in a way... "I wonder..." whispered Fuusetsu, then slowly reaching a hand towards it, it strangely
silenced... but then, suddenly crackled in a huge cloud of thunder making him skip back in surprise, to slip and stumble between
some chairs... "Damn spear..." he cursed, rubbing his head, the spears crackling went shallow then stopped, to only hum
in protest... "So it's true... only the chosen one's can use the spear" he rubbed the back of his neck... then eyed the temple
boy, eyeing his spear oddly, if like he saw it for the first time in his life... eyeing his hand, his finger tips were slightly
scalded... "Dammit... I've got to much of her blood in me!" he scolded him self... standing up, it hummed even more... "Oh
shut up you stupid thing!! I'm no fool to touch you twice!!" he yelled at it... if any one saw him now, they would've thought
that he'd gone mad... scolding a spear!!
"Fuusetsu... what's your story?" questioned the boy... definitely their was
a connection, he had to know what it was... "But we would be most grateful if you'd untie us... these ropes itch!!" complained
Asako... struggling to scratch her forearm!! "Well..." he smiled... he knew if they wanted to escape they could just go
ahead... besides... no one could use the spear but the boy... what harm can he do? A split second reminded him of the bug
beast... the boy and the spear, not forgetting the orange beast... "Uhhh!" he hesitated... if he did that to a beast, what
can he do to a human? After a short pause, he eyed Mayuko... her ocean gray to dark blue... "Though I don't think your stupid
and you'll run away the minute you'll get the chance... I'll release you any way!" after that... ropes on the ground... he
just eyed them as he walked back towards the cockpit... "No, wait! Aren't you gonna tell us?" said Mayuko, he craned his
head towards them oddly... 'They really want to hear it?' he thought to him self... "It's nothing really... just an ancient
myth less then about 600 years ago!" he said... "Some thing about the spear, my ancestors and a huge beast! Nothing important!"
he concluded, hand reaching to the certain, Mayuko hesitated... "We wanna hear it!" she said it in frenzy!! "Really we
do!!" they all eyed her oddly, and then Asako understood some thing, smiled and played along! "Yeah, we wanna hear it!!
Please!!" she said it fingers crossed in her hands, if like pleading him... hitting Ushio in the side with her elbow, the
idiot didn't understand what they were doing... 'Play along!' she whispered, teeth not parting! "Oh!! Um, yeah, we wanna
hear it..." he said in a stage of *hit now, listen later* mode... he really wanted to grip the spear, he needed it's well-being,
with a firm grip in his hands... but the one legged man was standing right next to it, not enough space for him to snatch
it from...
Fuusetsu sat on the chair next to it, it was right behind him, with the cockpit right behind him a few
rows of chairs away... Mayuko did all what she can to keep him away from it as far as possible... why? Later... "Do you
really want to listen? I don't like wasting my breath with kids!" they all gave a nod... "As you wish... it's a boring story
though... sit down..." he said firmly, sounding more like an order... as they all sat back on the chairs in front of him,
with only one row parting them from him... the spear stopped humming... but then... the sound of rain came out making it's
noise on the planes metal body... Fuusetsu took a deep breath, as they eyed him waiting what he is about to explain to them...
Many years ago, a little less then 600 years, in ancient
china... a rich family was known by it's wealth and generosity... the master of this family was a very brave and well known
hunter, whom used an ancient bow... this bow had no arrow... but it was said that the bow gains it's arrows from it's users
courage, for right, for love, for freedom and friendship and so on, meaning that cowards could not use it for the benefit
of their own... this man lost his wife a few years earlier, but he had a beautiful daughter from her before she died... her
name was Serena... she grew up to be a beautiful lady, yet, stubborn and hard headed as her father... still, she was nice
and loving... she was married to a well known man from another family, known by his bravery... after a few years they had
a son... they named him Taifuu, which means Typhoon in Japanese...
But one day, her father went on a hunt with his
grand child when he grew up to the age of 16... for her father, it was time for Taifuu to learn how to defend his home and
family... and they both came back with some thing they never came back home with before... it was a huge dark brown beast,
with a milky tanned tail and mane, with a gray part of his forelock... this beast was badly injured... and her father helped
him after his grand child's pleading to help the beast, at least until he gains back his strength... so the beast vowed to
protect the family with his life, in gratitude to her son... but it seems that the beast had some sort of crush on Serena,
as he went with here every where she went, saying that he's just doing it to protect her as he vowed... after a few years,
an enemy came upon this family, wanting to destroy it, and in search of the ancient mystical bow... most of the family was
killed by them... even her father and husband couldn't defend their home, cause the enemy was just too many for them to handle...
escaping with her child, the ancient mystical bow and the huge beast... Serena had lost her family, and has nothing but her
son Taifuu and the beast left... but things didn't end there... the enemy had followed them in order to kill them... she was
badly injured and lost her son n a battle... the men had found them several times, but she didn't have the courage to use
the bow... or should I say, she didn't know how!! And the beast couldn't use it either cause he wasn't human... her son was
the only one left able to use it, but her son had been taken away from her... that drove her nuts!! Berserk even... in a rage
of fury, she and the beast traveled from one town to another in search of her son and to avenge her lost family... for that,
she drove her self in a mad case of training...
One day... while she was training with the beast, they stopped at
a small water fall, to find a spear pinned to a stone, with it's tattered red silk wet by water, made out of a wooden stick
with a metal head on top... the beast warned her from using it but she didn't listen to him, the urge to revenge blocked her
ears... holding it in her hands... it gave her power... power she never felt before... it was the strength she wanted to avenge
for her lost family... so she trained on it... when she completely mastered it's techniques, she traveled towards her destination,
finally finding her son... but she had to kill many people to get to him... the spear had drained out every speck of humanity
out of her, and turned her into a monster in a shape of a human... finally when she found Taifuu... she was stabbed from the
back, craning her self around, she was gifted with a sword slashing her chest wide open... from the shoulder to the end of
her chest... but she did not die... the spear didn't let her... her rage of fury gave her enough strength to the last battle...
her son saw his mother sprawl in front of him in a pool of her own blood, standing as she was supported by the spear... as
the beast helped with all his might... but they couldn't do any thing... asking her son to leave, so he wont see her die...
he toke the family's ancient bow and ran off to start the life his mother granted him before she died...
She didn't
die... that's what he found out... some how she survived, and she was watching over him... over his family... she was till
with the other beast... but the spear she used vanished with out a trace... he though it was just a myth... until he heard
of a beast named Nagatobimaru, who terrorized many villages... but was finally sentenced to be imprisoned in a cell by a mysterious
hunter... her son trained his body and mind to find his mother... he knew she wasn't human any more... but one thing for sure,
for several times, her ivy green eyes watched him... protecting him... but suddenly... the eyes vanished for a while... for
a few months he had not seen them... did some thing happen? He didn't know... and till this day... from my ancestors past
till this day, the family members had vowed their lives to find of her... if she was still alive... if not, they must search
for the beast she was with... still neither was found...
what are you saying? Shadow is your ancestor that had been transformed into a beast? And you vowed to what? Kill her?" reasoned
the temple boy, as this story had him puzzled... "And what about the ancient bow? If your really saying the truth, where
is it?" said Asako, not believing what he's saying... he only blinked at her... giving a sigh, he stood up silent... "I
knew you kids wouldn't believe this... it's too crappy even for some one who lived it!!" simply said as he walked away...
but suddenly froze, blinking at a window he cursed, laying a fist on the window... "Idiots!! What are they doing??" he cried,
then quickly passing the three kids, he almost ran out in a hurry, leaving them puzzled... quickly running to the spear, Ushio
felt the great sensation of rest in his soul... some thing has finally settled down, allowing him to think more clearly...
"Oh-my-GOD!!!" cried Asako looking through the window, all thought the view wasn't clear cause of the falling rain...
eyeing the out doors, the three kids saw a few men struggling with some thing... some thing small, slimy with its tentacles
hovering every witch way, and with its puss shooting every where... but then... the roof started to leak, as rain found it's
way in to the planes body... "F***!! What's going on here??" the temple boy saw all the little worm like bugs crawling
every where, as their acid like puss made the planes metal body actually melt!! "Mitzu!!" cried Mayuko, quickly running
towards the cockpit, pushing away the cretin, she saw him fix his eyes on her in surprise... he blinked in relief... "Well
it's about TIME!!" he cried... so that was it! Giving a smile, she heard Asako gasp, craning her head around, the worms have
dropped not to nicely from the roof into the plane... Ushio stopped them by simply hitting them with the spear like some over
grown fly swatter!! No good! There were just too many! They had to stop them from getting to the rest of the passengers...
"Ushio! Would this work?" cried Asako, pointing a little bottle full with cocking oil towards the bugs... he gave a wicked
grin, and she under stood... quickly un-corking it, she spilled it's liquid at the bugs, and Ushio simply crackled the spear
and gave them a blow... like Fuusetsu said earlier, and the offer is still open... "Any one for bug flambé?" but I guess it
worked for some time... the little water serpent slipped out of the cockpit, giving Mayuko the manual book Fuusetsu threw
away earlier... "Is this it? Hope so, cause I couldn't fine any thing else looking like what you described for me!" he
said... she smiled to him, then eyed her friends trying to block the crack the bugs made in the roof... the temple boy had
no choice but to block it with some luggage he found... so much for some ones belongings!!
"This isn't gonna do it
Ushio, we have to think of some thing else!" said Asako eyeing the roof... after a pause Ushio stood and craned his head eyeing
out side... rain was falling a little bit harder than before, 'things are gonna go worse from now on' he thought... the temple
boy had nothing in mind at that moment but to go out side and kick some ugly bug beasts butt... but not before he had made
sure every one will be okay while he's gone... "Asako, Mayuko, let's move..." he said firmly, eyeing the little serpent
he only glared "Mitzu, go back to Lord Miya and tell her to look for the beasts, I guess we have to change a few things in
the plan!!" he said... the little serpent gave a nod, then slipped away between some chairs... after he left Ushio blocked
it so no bugs would crawl in... Then turned to his friends, "Let's move!" "Move? Where?" cried Asako, simply she knew he
wasn't expecting them to walk through walls like Tora dose, dose he? He only walked towards the second-class entrance... "Wait,
Ushio... do... do you think that they might think it's odd to see three kids popping out of no were then suddenly vanish!"
she reasoned... still, they had no choice! There was no escape door where they were, and even if there was, they couldn't
find it!!
[Warning! Theirs a bit of not-so-nice perverty in
this little part!! Forgive me] Meanwhile, somewhere far away in the middle of the island... HEY!! I said far... but not that
far!! (O_O) [The camera went too far away!] Ahem... any ways... near a little waterfall a huge orange beast gasped as he yanked
his head from water... "F***ing sh** eating bit** of a female..." he cursed, "What were you trying to do? Drown me?" He
blinked her... although he washed his face -by force- his eyes still hurt from rubbing them so hard... "Well it's not
my fault you don't know a thing about hygiene!! You stink buster!" cried Shadow in his face with an enjoyed smile... "Come
to think of it... I smell awful bad my self!! What would I do for a shower in a hot spring right now!!" she murmured... slowly
she craned her head towards her mate, washing his face, especially the eyes... when he was dose he just sat their leaving
his face dry up... she walked to him hopefully with a smile... Ann only sat a few feet away, silently watching... "Well?
Did it work?" she asked... he only shock his head in refuse... "Oh..." her voice felt broken, lowering her head... giving
a sigh... "I guess we might have to wait till this is over... if theirs a cure... Yami might have it!" she hoped she was right... "Yami?
Who the hell is he?" cursed the orange beast painfully blinking... his eyes tearing slightly washing his pained eyes... "Yami's
a she Tora! She's a friend of mom!!" childishly said the little female with a smile, her silver tail flickering as she watched
the rain fall hard... "Yeah... she's not much of a fighter, but a pretty good doctor when it comes to making cures! If
only Kyofu would leave her alone!!" she exclaimed with a faint frowning grin... "Yami... she's the one that helped you
through labor, isn't she?" questioned the dark brown beast, wanting to make sure if what he remembered of her was true...
"Yeah, she was" her smile widened "better than some cowered who ran off hiding behind a tree!!" she snickered... Tora
only eyed him with an amused grin... "Hey!! Guys like me aren't supposed to see those kinds of things!! I mean your screaming
alone had me shivering all over!!" he cried flushing "Besides! After all whet you told me about giving birth made me thankful
for being a male!!" he said it more calmly... "Now that I've thought about it... we beasts don't have kids..." said Tora,
but then Shadow's eyes snapped, "So how did you get 'her'?" he asked eyeing Ann blinking him puzzled... "I wouldn't think
a 'triple X' was enough, was it?" he smirked Shadows body... only to be gifted with a fist on his noggin... "Tora!! I never
knew you could be such a pervert!!" she cried fists wanting to mash some thing... the beast only eyed her cursing, then his
slurring reduced into laughter... "What's so funny?" she hissed... he only eyed her smiling... then eyed her mate... getting
fed up with that she cried in his face "and besides... Nightmare and I don't do that!! We don't like to do that kind of stuff...
we might be mates but still... we don't!!" she flushed trying to calm her self down, breathing fast... "Yeah right!" he
chuckled, eyeing her chest... she wasn't looking at him, her eyes were closed thinking, so he took the chance... "YIPE!!"
she squeaked, arms folding her chest... crackling thunder "PERVERT!! WAIT UNTIL I GET MY CLAWS ON YOU!!" she hissed as he
skipped on top of a tree laughing his head off... "You know some thing?! It feels softer and more puny than it looks!!"
he mocked... now that really had her brain boil... "Nightmare! Look after Ann, I'll be right back after I pluck what's
in this perverts crouch out of it's sockets!!" she cried running after the orange beast crackling thunder, so were her cuffs...
Tora ran away on purpose... what was he thinking? Why did he want her to chase him?
After a short run under rain she
stopped trying to catch his sent... water has almost washed it away... but then she stopped for only a moment... "Nightmare
isn't Ann's father, is he!?" said a voice of a beast, more like he was pointing out an eye view that a question... she eyed
around her, only to be struck down, pinned on her back to the wet muddy ground by the orange beast... him on top of her, face
to face... she tried to bite his muzzle... "Get off me you a** h***!!" she crackled thunder in the forelock, struggling,
he enjoyed the view of her chest while she struggled... but was only alarmed of his feet's movements, almost tucking her legs
together... her heart pounded fast for that... she eyed him worriedly, but he only eyed her calmly, with a wicked ear-to-ear
grin full of shark teeth... silver to ivy green... "What do you want? Get off me!" "Is Ann his daughter... or not?" he
asked harshly... she breathed a little fast, then turned her face away... she didn't want to answer... "He's not her father...
is he!" it was clear to him she wasn't the daughter from the fathers side... she only glared at him... "Our past dose
not concern you..." she growled... "Nightmare may not by her father, but we both want her to think that he is..." she didn't
sound that harsh any more... "Have you used the spear female?" he asked calmly, not moving one single bit... "Yes..."
she whispered, "it's the reason I am what I am right now..." she whispered softly "I was pregnant with Ann when I turned into
a beast, but I only knew about it too late..." she sounded depressed... the orange beast moved away... "Dose she know
that?" she gave no answer "she doesn't know, dose she?" he murmured to him self... "She thinks Nightmare is her father,
and I would like to keep it that way..." she hissed... "Oh, and by the way, would you come closer please?" he blinked, then
walked to her... she stood on her hind legs, so to be in the same height, he stood on his hind legs as well "come closer!"
she whispered... stupid as he is, he went closer, what was he thinking? A lovely gift from a female with so many curves? It
was a gift alright... but not a nice one... just a kick down where the sun don't shine... clutching the place where the pain
was, he cursed her in a rage of fury, his legs/hunches almost crossed, eyes tear in pain, as she only whipped her hands and
walked away, glad with her victory in paying back his earlier gift... "Okay you over grown cry baby, let's go back to the
plane, the kids need our help!" she scolded, watching him glare her with nothing but hatred, but she enjoyed it... "F***ing
crouch kicking bit**!!" he hissed in pain, still nursing his injury... then slowly, and painfully walked after her...
the plane, Asako and Ushio were arguing about going to the second class or not... Mayuko was really getting fed up with that!
"I say we shouldn't!!" "And I say yes we should!" "should..." "shouldn't..." "Should!" "Shouldn't!" "Should!!"
"Shouldn't!!" "SHOULD!!!" (X all over) "SHOULDN'T!!!" (X all over double time!!)
They glared and hissed...
Mayuko just sighed... standing up she walked towards the second-class entrance... "I dunno about you tow, but I'm gonna
check on my parents!!" she said, as her voice felt tired... eyeing her go on ahead, they had no other choice but to follow...
walking inside, every one eyed them... Mayuko continued her way towards the third class rows, as Ushio and Asako were left
behind as they kept on fighting over and over in the second class... "MAYUKO!! Baby you're alright!!" a woman cried...
then quickly embracing her daughter as she cried in joy... Mayuko was glad to see her mother un-harmed, but she would've liked
it more if she didn't hold her so tight! It was getting hard to breath! "Mother! Uh Not so tight!!" squeaked Mayuko smiling...
slowly holding not so tight any more, her mothers embrace eased as her father felt glad to see her again... all were in an
embrace, re-united... but then, Mayuko heard a sound of a sour battle going on, clearly it was Ushio yelping or some thing...
she gave her parents this 'I'll be right back' sign, as she walked away to the entrance of the second class rows... the second
she moved away the cretin, she had Asako flushing red in front of her and blinking a lot, arms folded on her chest... a boy
touched where he shouldn't!! "Asako? What's-" then she eyed it, her friends fighting with arms and jaws snapping at each
other... "Asako! Ushio!! Stop it!!" scolded Mayuko with a faint smile as she shock her head... "This just isn't the time!"
she really hated this!
The plane squeaked as it shifted to one side, if like a boat being disturbed by massive water
waves... the three heroes quickly new some thing out side happened... Ushio cried to all the passengers to stay in side, counting
in Asako and Mayuko... running out through the escape door, out into the rain he went... with the spear humming it's warning
song... =================================================
Somewhere out side, Fuusetsu jumped skywards with a rifle
shooting at a few bugs crawling towards him quickly... frowning while he shoot, it didn't seem to be doing any good... 'What
would I do for the flamethrower right now!' he thought, it seems that fire is the only thing affecting in this case! Looking
around for any source of heat, he couldn't find any thing but the planes engine... covered with worms crawling every where
on the top and sides of the plane... some thing snapped... with a smile, he got an idea, but suddenly had a sharp bite down
his shoulder, craning his head, a worm had jumped him and bit his shoulder sucking out blood... it hurt! It hurt so much he
couldn't keep standing, and flinched as he slipped into a mud puddle... rifle flinching out of his grip flying a few feet
away... plucking then throwing away the worm, he felt his shoulder grow numb... opening his eyes, a whole swarm was crawling
fast right at him!!
CRACK-KA-BOOM!! Some thing in white and blue crackled as it blew away the worms into nothing but
mush... Eww!! Disgusted, Fuusetsu eyed the cloud of long black hair, spear gripped tight in the boy's hands... cat slit human
eyes in purple and green mixed together, his teeth showing as he chuckled nastily... whooshing pass the one legged man, the
beast barrier whooshed the spear against a huge swarm of bugs... looking around him for more, there were even more than he
hoped for... Uh-Oh!! And God where they quick!! One worm bit the boy's leg as the others tried to bite the spear, but only
ended up getting them selves blown up into mush... yeach!! Felling his stomach turn, the boy eyed the quick sand from earlier...
the little bugs were crawling out of the sand like water from a fountain!! 'So!! That's it!!' he thought... since he couldn't
get them all, at least he could block their way so no more would come around...
"Boy! Are you crazy? Go back inside!!"
cried the one legged man... his red silky hair coming into his face as rain sang too loud for him to even hear him self talk!!
"This isn't your battle alone buster!" responded the beast barrier, not tuning towards him, quickly snatching the rifle,
he threw it to him "here! Make your self useful!" he mocked... "!!" Grabbing it with almost a stunned face, the one legged
man gave a grin... "Oh! So you think your so good?" the boy only gave a confident face, all full of him self... "All right
then, we'll see about that!" he grinned... charging the rifle, she shot a whole row of worms in a few quick shots... "Let's
see you do some thing like that!" he asked mockingly... "Oh I'll show you some thing alright!" grinned the boy... spear
charging up thunder... a little more... a little bit more... quickly swinging it towards the swarm of works, another patch
was blown up to nothing but yellow puss in a single blow... "EWW!!" cried Fuusetsu... the bugs puss splattered every where,
counting him self and the boy... "Next time! I'll shot!" silly like he said it whipping puss from his clothing...
ground under them shock again, but harder than before... a bigger swarm of bugs crawled out of the sand pit in a rage of fury...
it seems that there are many-many more where they came from... "Boy! Go to the cock-pit and try to turn on the engines!!"
cried Fuusetsu, "I'll try to drive them towards the fans!!" he concluded, slumping his way through mud and rain... he had
to climb up to the roof of the planes body to be able to get to the fans... Ushio quickly snapped... craning his head around
another swarm was jumping right at him, as he smacked a few, but others struck his legs making him fall in the wet dirt, almost
stuck... a swarm dragged him towards the sand pit clutching his legs firmly... a bug jumped right into his face, as he shut
his eyes tight... but then... some thing blew up... he felt it splatter on his chest... opening his eyes wide open, blinking,
he smiled...
"Tora!!" the orange beast had a pretty nasty mood and really needed to kill some thing... might as well
do it here!! His silver eyes burned in a fine white glow, slightly red from the earlier pain... The ancient beast only eyed
the boy slightly with a smile full of teeth... then leaping the in the air, he blew another swarm up... still many more were
still coming... "Boy!! Go in side, hurry!" cried Fuusetsu, finally making it onto the planes roof tops... many worms have
followed him... so Ushio quickly cried back... "Fuusetsu, theirs a hole in the roof near the cock-pit, it would be closer
to you to go their!!" he cried loud "I'll drive them to wards the engine okay!" he concluded... and with no pause, the temple
boy quickly gave the beast a sign to follow... party time!!
Fuusetsu found the opening, quickly kicking in the suitcase,
he slipped his way in and ran towards the cock-pit... struggling his best, he tried to turn it on... no can do... he almost
forgot that they needing some sort of electric power to turn it on... a pause thinking... 'Would it work!?' he thought...
picking up a fire extinguisher, he threw it at the window crashing it into many sharp needles... Ushio was at the fans by
then as the stupid bugs followed them with no concern but to eat... "Boy! The planes battery is dead!!" he cried... the
boy blinked the man peeking his head through the window, then his partner, both grinning to each other... after a short pause,
they both charged up a huge mass of thunder, and the ancient beast simply threw it as a single bolt in the gap the temple
boy made in the planes wing engines near the fans...
Fuusetsu quickly went to the pilots seat, as he knew how to operate
the plane... it slowly stared, then it began to rumble in it's place, all it's lights turned on... the fan began to turn and
it sucked in many-many worms tuning them into lamb-chops... but now's a problem! The rain was falling hard, the plane moved
and the tires sank in the quick sand making the whole plane shifted to one side and the beast barrier slipped sliding on the
wings, fingers clutching the propellers sides... Careful not to snip of his fingers, the plane began to move!! It seems that
the mud and wind have gave the plane enough power to move from place... "Tora!! Help!!" cried the boy, feet almost being
sucked towards the plane, as only the spear standing as support vertically for him, almost parting him from the fan for only
a few inches... the ancient beast couldn't go near him as he slipped off the wet wings, to slide on the end of the wings tail...
the part of the wing that moves it up and down in the sky, not the whole planes tail!! He racked his talons in the wings digging
deep, trying to hold on, but the planes rumbling and shaking made him almost slip... like a huge cat trying to climb on a
tree branch not supporting it's weight!! And besides! Many other worm bugs appeared below him! He didn't want to end up being
bitten in the ass!!
The temple boy couldn't hold on any longer, and the spear started slipping from the sides!! "!!!"
If he lets go, he's gonna turn into Ushio-chops... Tora would probably like that and have him for sushi! The ancient beast
cried out loud, but the boy couldn't hear him... Oh! Did I say that the fans gave him a haircut? The wind through the propellers
was sucking him so hard, it pulled his hair snipping it fast, which gave his scalp some pain... good thing it would just grow
back!! Thank god it didn't have any nerve cells!! Not holding any more, the beast cried out some thing as thunder crackled
in his forelock... but the rain was too loud... the engine was turning him deaf, as he couldn't hear nothing but the propellers
and his heart beats... he couldn't keep up, fingers slipping as they went slowly cold and numb, and the rain wasn't helping
him at all!!
The beast was able to climb back up, digging his talons in the rumbling wet planes wings... Fuusetsu
was trying to drive it into the Island, as he couldn't direct it towards the sea now could he? Smashing a few trees and slightly
driving over the sand pit, the worm like bug stopped crawling out temporarily... the other tiers sank in the other san pit
coming out of no where... and it finally stopped, both hind tiers becoming jammed into the forests trees... the one legged
man tried to turn off the fans, but they wouldn't respond... eyeing the boy holding on to his dear life, he did every thing
to stop it, it was driving him crazy, eyeing the boy... the beast barrier lost his grip... Fuusetsu, Tora... even Asako and
Mayuko who were watching from the inside were watching... when he slipped, they all shut their eyes tight... not wanting to
see what would happen... Asako had to know... "God..." she whispered... her eyes open a crack... then shot opens... "Oh!!
He's alright!!" she exclaimed... Mayuko eyed the out doors, only to see their friend in the female beasts embrace, both on
a bush full of thorns, messy with mud and stuff...
"Boy..." she slightly chuckled "I swear... if I were your mother..."
she eyed him frowning with a smile "If you ever did that stunt again... your defiantly gonna get your self some bad spanking!!"
cupping his face then brushing a few of his black locks away she whispered scolding, "understand?" Ivy green to purplish-green...
"Err... I understand... would you let go of me now?" he couldn't help it when he found him self pressed embraced into
her soft furry, yet wet, chest... slowly letting go of him, he brushed him self as he stood up... then Ann and Nightmare came
in... Nightmare was silent, but stepping near his name, he sniffed her... both said nothing... then slowly he started licking
her back... Ushio ignored... "You okay Ushio? It was really a close one!" exclaimed Ann eyeing his wet figure, long black
hair, clear cheekbones and slightly blushing face, even if it was almost covered with his hair... her mother had many splinters
digging in her back, but only kept it to her self... feeling the comfort of her mates nursing... "Yeah I'm just f-" and
then yelped in pain as an orange clawed hand yanked his hair hard, then the boy found him self in the beasts firm not so nice
embrace, teeth snapping his face... "What kind of f***ing sh** heads are you?" he cried "trying to commit suicide before
I get a chance to eat you?" he questioned... the boy only punched him in the stomach with his elbow then smacked him one with
the spear on the head... "Oh sh** your self a** h***!!" cursed the boy... gripping spear hard... but calmed down a little
as a pair of light brown hands cupped his shoulders... "Honey relax!!" said Shadow in a sweat voice "there is simply no
reason why you should waste your breath on a Nitwitted Dow-Dow like Tora!!" she exclaimed simply, much to the beast's wide
eyes snapped open... "What??" he cried, sounding hurt "who do you thing you are, judging me like that?" he hissed as his
mane went fluffy while crackling thunder... rain fell a little harder than before... "Why make a fuss out of it? Who do
you think 'you' are? Lord Nagatobimaru?" she mocked, drawing back her hands cupping her waist, not knowing how stupid her
example was...
Both ancient beast and beast barrier eyed each other oddly... she only blinked them as they turned their
eyes towards her... "??" She just blinked... then suddenly, both fell flat on their backs laughing their heads off... she
only gazed them totally puzzled and confused... but from the way they were squirming, it made her feel offended... "What's'
so funny?" she cried almost flushing, it made her feel somewhat embarrassed... they wanted to answer, but they were laughing
to hard and loud to take in a breath... "Ushio!!" a girls voice cried... Asako came in running towards them, as Ushio
only sat up still, he couldn't stop laughing, but it wasn't as loud as before... she seems to have found some thing... her
eyes said so... but they couldn't figure out what it was...
================================================= A/N:
okay... Taifuu means Typhoon, but I guess you already know that, and Kyofu means Terror, and a little change in plans... I
might add Yami to the fic after all... maybe, maybe not!! Any ways, R&R!!