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My Other Websites
Twilight Garden : my other site dedicated to ALL of my fanfiction! There are fics from many anime and some non anime series
(Ushio and Tora, Gundam Wing, DBZ, Monster Rancher... to name a few). You will also find Recommendations, Quizzes,
and other Fun Things to do at my site!
"Everything Goes" Ushio and Tora Websites

My friend Tora-chan's Ushio and Tora page. She has a lot of great information on the manga and summaries. Character background
information too!

An Ushio and Tora shrine. Great images, information on the story and main characters. Lots of screencaps
Silverhawks Anime Yahoo Group: Want to chat about Ushio and Tora, or Inu Yasha? Join this yahoo group. I'm part
of it to if you want to talk to me. We love discusing the series, as well as fanfiction ideas. There is a great Ushio and
Tora gallery, and links to fanart by some of the members.
Fanfiction.net : a great place to find fanfiction. Check in Anime for Ushio and Tora!
Mediaminer.org : another fanfiction archive, only anime series. Search for Ushio and Tora!
La Pagina di Ushio e Tora : A very nice Italian Ushio and Tora site. Lots of images in the gallery from the second Ushio and Tora artbook.
Gnoma : A very nice Ushio and Tora site (non English). Lots of great images!
Fanart Gallery: A beautiful Ushio and Tora fanart gallery. Check it out!
Screenshots 1: Some nice Ushio and Tora screenshots

Invoke : the best Yaoi Ushio Tora japanese fanart site I've found!

Another Great Ushio and Tora fanart page. Lots of fanart, just check the illustrations section and the Gift
section. Click the enter button below to get into the site.

Ushio and Tora Japanese Fanart. A great site, go check it out!
Wildfury : Ushio and Tora fanart images!
Screensaver : Screensavers Japan : some interesting images and an Ushio and Tora screensaver too.

Many shonen images by anime series. Check the Ushio and Tora link.
Information and Reviews
AnimeWebTurnpike : one of the biggest places to find links to anime by series and more! Fanfiction, Fanart, Music, and more categories to
Shonen Sunday Briefs: Summaries for the Ushio and Tora manga, have to search the site for the ones you want. Very nice information though.
Manga 1: Some very nice Ushio and Tora manga b&w images. A review in another language.
Video Review 1: Ushio and Tora video reviews. Some images of the video cases.
Video Review 2: Quite a long review for the Ushio and Tora video series.
Fanguide: A few Ushio and Tora pictures and reviews for the videos.
Anime Manga 1 : Ushio and Tora manga and information on the series. Lots of interesting in depth manga information.
Anime Manga 2 : A page about anime series. There are a few here that are very similar to Ushio and Tora. And Ushio and Tora has a page too
with a lot of in-depth manga information and images!
Where to Buy Ushio and Tora Stuff!
Ebay : a giant online store. Many different sellers, but once you get to know how the bidding and buying works,
then it will be very useful. Lots of anime stuff, just search by keywords (like: ushio tora). You never know what
you'll find!
JPQueen: a great online store that ships from Japan. Lots of manga. Will cost a bit more than anything
from Ebay, because of Shipping and Handling.
Voices 1: For Mayuko fans. The woman who did the voice of Mayuko, Touma Yumi, shows off all the anime characters
who she has done voices too. Nice images.
Voices 2 : Brett Weaver : the voice of Tora in the Ushio and Tora series.
Voices 3 : Ever wonder who did Ushio's voice? This is a page dedicated to Sasaki Nozomu, and all his roles in anime
voices. Very interesting, check it out!