Lair of the Beasts

Warmth 7
Fun Stuff
Music Videos
Song Lyrics

Warmth of Hearts 7

~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Sequel Chapter Six *~*~*~*~*~*~

The dawn began... and with a pained moan, a pair of yellowish gray eyes slightly opened reveling the softly smiling face of the light brown female, ivy green eyes locked with the yellowish-gray plates, the dark brown beast eyed his mate as she simply brushed back his milky tanned mane as a few light gray locks flickered within his face with his breath... in their den was where they both were, safe and slightly startled by the sound of the blizzard out side the den... his golden daughter and the young light brown male were fast asleep near by, slightly holding hands for comfort, Yami and Kyofu were soundlessly sleeping snuggled into each other a few feet away as well... Tora was asleep 'much' a distant away though!

"Good morning dear! How do you feel?"
"Like a ship wreck!" the beast groaned, "every bone in my body feels like if it was reduced to ashes!"
"Oh..." the female said, brushing back a few more of his locks...
"Why is every one in our den?"
"Company! Besides, they were worried over you! Even Tora! Though he wouldn't admit it!"
"..." Simply with a smile, Kage said nothing...
"..." Silent, feeling his mates comfort, the dark brown male was lightly startled by the crunchy sound of leaves near him, yet it was some where behind his mate...

A slight floppy ear in black and light tan perked from behind the light brown female who only craned around and gave a smile... the ear flicked a bit then a color of light brown tipped in light gray showed, reveling a forelock of a little itty-bitty-shy beast eyeing the huge dark brown male sprawling there on his back... one eye in ivy green, the other in crimson red blinking shy-fully as it ducked back again when the mate widened his eyes at it...

"Muma! You've been out cold for days now!" said Kage as she reached a hand behind her "C'mon baby! Say hi to daddy!" sweetly suggested the female to her child who only squeaked and hid back behind the safety of his mommy...
"Yuji?" the dark brown male fought to sit up, despite his mate's reaction to lay him back "Kage..." the male breathed with a smile drawing on his face...
"He's looking just like you honey!" giggled the female, and then craned back to the child, turning both her arms around, cradling the child in her arms for his father to see...
"..." The baby shot it's two-colored eyes wide open at the huge male eyeing him, chunky little shy-scared hands resting on it's mothers molds, faintly clutching the fur, snuggling it's shy face into the safety of it...
"Hey Yuji!" smiled Muma, trying to fight the pain, reaching out a finger carefully with the back of it, he touched his child's forearm... the child was with a split forelock like Tora, but no whiteness in the middle, two cute floppy ears like Jiaaku and the body fur was in light brown like his mother... the forelock/mane were in crimson red tipped with lightly gray like tanned a bit... in other words, a mix between Kage and Muma, but with a bit of difference in the middle...
"..." Moaning in what seemed fear, the child clutched harder to its mother...
"...? What...?" confused, the dark brown male eyed his mate who only smiled softly...
"It's okay Muma! He never had the chance to know you, so he's a bit scared of you! After all! You 'have' been out cold for a few days!" the female conclude...
"A few days?" the male asked feeling his spine... trying to remember what had happened to him through the last few minutes, so what of days?? He couldn't remember a thing!! Craning to the young child snuggling into his mate's chest, Muma said nothing...
"...?" The female eyed its child making sounds and softly hitting her mold...
"What's he doing?"
"I think he's hungry!" the female smiled then eyed her mate "I'd better feed him, mind if I turn around? I wouldn't want any one watching!" perking a bit back looking beyond her mate "defiantly not 'sum-buddy' in orange!"

"..." Silent with a vine pounding over his head, it was clear the ancient beast was faking his sleep... -U__U- X (ZzZz)

"Oh!" Lightly chuckled the male, glaring the dozing beast; he gave his mate a nod...
"Okay baby! It's 'hummy'!!"
"mah-humm!!!" the child hummed as she turned...
"Kage!!" surprised, the male said to her "Yuji spoke!"
"Oh-well, not really! He still needs some time to be able to say real words!"
"Mah-humm!!" complained the little one, wanting his mothers attention...
"Oh-okay! Baby! No need to be so jealous of your daddy!"
"...! -O.O-!"
"mah-humm!!" happy with getting back attention, the child silently fed ignoring the dark brown males staring...
"..." Muma said nothing grinning widely at his shy mate while breast-feeding their child, both snuggling and nuzzling, they both said nothing...

Somewhere else...

"Geez! It's one hell of a snow storm out there!!" stated the temple boy brushing snow off and out his hair... spear lightly crackled...
"Welcome back Ushio!" calmly said the priest, welcoming his son with a hot chocolate drink...
"Thanks dad!" taking a sip, Ushio had just came back from the grocery store with things to store in the fridge... after a while, Ushio went to the living room to watch TV and to rest back with a nice hot drink...

"..." Sitting next to his son, the priest said nothing as they both watched a weather report...after a sip of his hot drink, the priest saw that his son was day-dreaming some where beyond the TV "Ushio!"
"Uh-huh!!" startled, the boy jerked his head towards his father "Yeah?"
"Is some thing the matter?" calmly asked Shigure...
"No... not really!" breathed the boy... after a pause of silence, the temple craned to his father "Dad!"
"Do you think Tora is ever coming back?"
"Do you want him to do so?"
"Well... I don't know! I'm glad he's gone, it's just that... thing's aren't that fun any more!" the boy complained hugging his knees, after frowning then giving a sigh, the boy picked up his mug, stood up and walked towards his room, spear clutched in hand...
"Give him time! If it was ever written for him to return... he will!"
"What ever..." calmly murmured the boy as he went towards his room, hot mug of chocolate in his grip, spear in the other...

Some other place...

"Sigh..." the golden haired woman breathed, hand on her heart, tears forming in her eyes, craning around, she saw the two samurai skeletons playing along with her beast-child Ashley... she never gave attention to that before, but one was wearing a black and light sky-blue samurai armor, while the other was wearing an armor in black and crimson-wine-red... trying to smile, Betty-Su was glad that the child was safe, but deep in her heart, she was worried to death over her man... "Oh-Michel... please come back to us!" she whispered to the setting sun in the horizon, there was snow lightly falling where they were, where ever that was, things did not seem to be going so well...

"...?" Silent, the little albino female craned to her mother, ignoring the two guy's calling, tugging her jeans pants "..."
"...?" Craning to her child, the human female sat back on her legs crossed, picked up her child and hugged softly "I'm okay honey! Now C'mon! It's getting late!"
"Aw-C'mon Betty! Can't she play just a little longer?" childishly asked one of the skeletons, the one wearing blue, only for the other to gong him on the head... the helmet fell revealing his skeleton bald head... with a growl "Hey! What was that for??" T__T X (?)
"Baka!!!!" the other, in red, simply growled... "Just because you love kids doesn't mean to spoil her numb-scull!"
"Oh-shut up!" the other hissed putting back his helmet... empty eye sockets glared each other as they started talking in a foreign language Betty and Ashley both didn't understand...
"Sigh!" was all what both females said...
"..." Ashley craned to her mother, eyeing with a sweat drop the two guys fighting, but then rested her head on her chest slowly closing her eyes ready for sleep...
"..." With a smile, Betty walked to a near by tree and sat down, the child in her arms, both ready for sleep near the near by camp fire...


"The red-head is in the cell, and he had awakened..."
"About time! Send him to the chamber... I want to squeeze every thing out of that wretched human body of his!"
"Yes sir..." sound of footsteps on solid marble walking away...
"Soon my new creation would be complete... if only I've gotten a better shot at that male..."

In a room full of darkness, the huge man stood at the darkened window, eyeing a female beast in white, a single black lock on one side, hands and feet darkened in black... she seemed tired, warn out and in pain, not forgetting looking somewhat familiar... but he was as silent as a coldhearted stone...

"Mackenzie!" a female voice softly hissed singing, as a female shadow with many grooves shaded came and crept near him...
"What!!" craning in surprise, the man was startled...
"Hello!" fangs showed with a smile as the human females shape and face seemed familiar...
"Jenny! How did you get in here??"
"Well then... that's my job now, isn't it?? It's a secret! And if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret any more!"
"Oh... well then, why have you come here?"
"In search of my twin Betty!" hand cupping her curved up waist "seen her?"
"No! But I am going to get that little thief!"
"Not if I do it first Mackenzie! Her death would be on my hands!" long nail-like-talons on each finger, the woman leaped and vanished like a ghost...
"..." With a shiver down his spine, the man said nothing, and went back watching the white female...

Back at the dens a few hours later...

"Hey!!!" complained the orange beast as the little child ran towards his dear-o-mommy "what's the big idea dummy!" Tora hissed brushing down his forearm fur, the kid tried to grab the black lines with his non-clawed fingers, but ended up pinching the beast...
"..." In fright, tears formed in the little beasts eyes before he blew up crying...
"Sh**!" -O___o- |||
"Tora!" Scolded Kage "why were you yelling at Yuji you big bully!" she hissed hugging and trying to calm her child down "it's okay baby, it's okay... did mean old uncle Tora scare you? Huh? It's okay! Stop crying!" she motherly said, making the orange beast feel disgusted...
"Your sick female!" -T___T-
"=T___T= shut up Tora! If you cant be nice with my sweet-little-itty-bitty-cute-kawaii-little-dumpling then don't you 'dare' come near him! Got it!!" she growled warning...
"Well Sheez! I never wanted to get near him any way!" sneered the beast...

"Mom!" softly whispered Ann rubbing her eyes waking up, "what's all the yelling for?"
"Oh nothing dear! Tora was just mean to your little brother!"
"Uncle Tora!" the little female eyed the orange beast pouting...
"I can't stand kids okay! They drive me crazy!"
"..." Two-colored eyes frightened eyed the orange beast glaring its mother... Yuji sniffed and then looked back at that orange-stripped face, "uhh!!" giving a baby voice, the little one hovered his twany little chunky hands towards the pouting wrinkled orange beasts face...
"=O.O=!! Yuji! What is it baby!?"
"-O___O-? What does he want?" asked the orange beast...

"I think he wants 'you' Tora!" said Yami as she slowly woke up and brushed back a few of her tanned locks... looking at her sleeping mate, then the sleeping young light brown male, then the resting dark brown male, Yami craned back to the orange beast as Yuji still hovered his arms towards him for some reason "I think he wants you to carry him Tora!"
"WHAT!!! No-ho-way!!" Tora took a few feet away curling around him-self...
"Aw-does my little angel wanna go to uncle Tora!!" sweetly asked the female, only to be answered with a happy baby gurgle...
"I'll take that as a yes!" said the golden female; all three females eyed the orange beast with evil smiles on their faces...
"-O____O-|||| Oh-no-no-no-NO-please!!!!" whined the beast only to end up with the little fellow in his hands "Uhh (sweat drop) alright, now what?"
"Nothing uncle Tora! Just be nice with him! =^.^=" Smiled the golden female...
"-O.o-!" startled, the orange beast eyed the little one resting his twany head on his shoulder, somewhat reaching back to the orange beasts long flat ear with baby sounds...

"Ahh..." softly gurgled the child trying to grab the orange moving thingy that kept on drawing back... Tora didn't want the child to tug on his ear... seeing that he cant get it, sad, upset, bothered and complaining, the child started sobbing again...
"Aw-no please don't!!!" begged the ancient beast, but a too little too late...
"Waaa!!!!" shouted the little one with all his might tears drawing on his face... the beast's ears snapped in pain because the child was crying right next to his ears/head...
"Yuji!!!" gasped the female taking back her child, hugging cuddling and snuggling with all the motherly emotions she has "it's okay sweet heart, mommy is here! Don't cry!"
"..." Gasping and slowly Yuji stopped sobbing, craning back to the beast, as if begging him that he wanted something...
"..." -O___O-||| with a huge sweat drop "okay, what does he want this time?" asked the beast cleaning his ears...
"He just wants to play with you Tora! Probably wants to see what your ears are!" Kage giggled...
"Oh-I remember when Ann was just a child, she used to go grabbing Muma, Kyofu and I faces wanting to know what the lines were!"
"Uh-I was??" embarrassed, Ann ducked her head between her shoulders...
"Oh-you were such a sweet little angel honey! Muma and I were really proud!" Kage concluded...
"..." Shy, the golden female said nothing...
"What ever..." mumbled the orange beast in protest, pouting and glaring... but then said nothing as the three females were busy playing and comfort the little one that simply played along giggling and gurgling with his cute kitten like baby voice... that had the beast somewhat with a smile noticing how 'cute' the little one really was...

"Yawn..." the young light brown male woke up and brushed his face, then eyed the three females and the orange beast... the three females were cuddling and making the new member giggle, as the orange best simply and softly smiled eyeing the little one, dark orange tail flickering a few times...
"Uh-Kage!" the dark brown male calmly called with a tired voice...
"Yes dear?" the female quickly craned back answering her worn out mate...
"Not so loud, please! My head hurts!"
"Sorry! =^.^="
"..." With a smile, the dark brown beast went back to rest...

"Hey mom, can I carry him, please?" Ann sweetly asked, big blue eyes sparkled with shimmering starts around...
"Well I don't know Ann!"
"Alright! But be careful!" Kage slowly stretched her arms extending her child to her daughter's arms...
"...?" Blinking confused, the little one found him self in the younger females arms... for Yuji, Ann felt warm, soft and comfortable, yet somehow, he wasn't very please with it...
"Hey Yuji!" smiled Ann...
"..." Yami blinked the young child face "I don't think he's feeling comfortable Ann!"
"(Moaning and moving around)"
"Hey-hey! What's wrong?" Ann asked in worry...
"It's okay! Yuji just isn't used on being near any one but me!" stated the mother; taking the child back before he started crying again, resting his head over her shoulder, patting and nuzzling him "it's okay baby, mommy's here!"
"..." With big baby eyes, the young child blinked the young light brown male calmly eyeing them...
"..." Pouting, Ann said nothing... noticing that her little brother was looking at something, she stretched a bit behind her mother to see her light brown friend "Oh-morning Jiaaku!"
"Morning Ann!"
"(With a baby voice)" stretching his arms trying to grab the silver locks hovering in front of the young males face...
"What ever you do kid, 'don't' let him grab it!" warned the orange beast whispered in the young ones ears...
"..." With a sweat drop, Jiaaku said nothing...
"Morning Jiaaku!" greeted the tanned female...
"Morning honey!" smiled the light brown female...
"(Still hovering his twany hands around)" Yuji was still trying to grab the locks...
"Morning Yami! Morning Kage!" pause "hey Yuji!"
"(Clapped his hands once before hovering them again)"

"(Stretching) what's all the commotion about?" asked the black male feeling his lazy limbs...
"Morning Kyofu!" said Kage...
"Morning Honey!" said Yami before shifting a shy hand on her lips, not really sure if she should've said that, eyeing her startled mate, she dropped her gaze with a shy smile...
"Morning... dear!" replied the black beast, shaking away sleep, and then walking towards his mate nuzzling her...

"..." With a pout, Tora said nothing, stretching a hand, he scratched the back of his neck like a lazy cat, and then gave a huge famous-jaw's cat-like yawn...
"Feeling drowsy?" softly asked the golden female...
"A bit!" said Tora clearing his throat... "I think I'll get my self some zee's!" walking a few feet away, the beast curled around him self, ready for a short rest, he couldn't go out because the snow-storm was still going about, twisting and turning strong...
"..." With a little smile, the golden female said nothing eyeing her favorite uncle resting...


"Yawn..." the temple boy eyed the stormy sky feeling drowsy, head feeling heavy, the boy closed the faint crack in the bedroom window, turned off the lights and rested his head on that nice puny pillow, closing his eyes and trying not to think, the boy couldn't help the thoughts... but then... a faint melody of a song kept on ringing in his mind... where? He didn't know...


Birds on the wing...
Clouds in the skies...
Hush my child... close your eyes...

Dream of the peace...
Dream of the laughter...
Think of the good things the future hides...

I'll always be there for you when you need me...
Don't you cry...
Don't you sigh...

Birds in the nest...
Cloud up to rest...
Hush my child; it's time to rest...

Asleep in my arms...
With your own little charms...
Rest my child... would reach you no harm...


"Wasn't that..." the dark brown male stated, cutting-in his mate's melody to her child "...Yuji-sama's melody?" Muma was lying on his side, one arm pillowed under his head; eyes opened a crack halfway into sleep...
"Yes... father used to sing it to me when I was a child... though I don't remember it all... sigh!"
"(Baby mumbling)" Yuji was half asleep in his mother's arms, the melody stopped, so his laziness went shallow...
"Hush... go back to sleep baby!" the female whispered, humming the song back to her child...
"..." Ann was half way to sleep as well, not knowing that she was snuggling her self into the light brown male's chest, Jiaaku was asleep again, and Yami was snuggled into Kyofu...
"Yawn..." Kage couldn't help it, as her child slept in her arms, and she was feeling tired as well, laying on her side, her child in the middle between her mate and her self... Kage kissed her child, her daughter, then turned to her sleeping mate, kissing him passionately on the cheek, rested on her side and dozed into sleep...
"..." Saying nothing, Tora drew in a breath, craned his face to the other side and closed his eyes, he just wanted to sleep and not think of any thing else...

Next morning...

"OH!!! Are you serious Asako??" asked the boy in surprise...
"Yep!" giggled the female "it was snowing so strong through the last few day's school had been delayed for one more week!"
"Aw-that's grand! It would be a good chance to go drop Kage and the others a visit! Yuji should be a week old by now!"
"A week old?" said Asako "cool! That's a cool idea! How about if I tell Mayuko and see if the three of us go meet the new kid... maybe even see how Tora's doing!"
"Yeah that's a great idea... except for the 'Tora' part that is... to see Yuji! I'm right there with you all the way!"
"Aw-C'mon Ushio!" whined the female "tell me the truth, don't you at-least miss Tora? At-least a little?"
"Like hell I do! I said it once, and I'm willing to say it again... I-am-glad-he's gone!" the boy pouted after the last word "besides! What do you miss in that over grown trouble maker??"
"Well... I like Tora! There is no need to point things out about it!"
"Don't tell me you 'love' him Asako!"
"Wh-what? O_O USHIO!!!!" yelled the girl through the telephone handle...
"Urgh!!! Xo@ what? Was it some thing I said??" the boy squeaked cleaning his ear "I was just kidding!"
"Well I don't think it was funny!" T___T "besides! I like Tora! But 'love' is way too strong (Pause) but to say the truth Ushio..." the female blushed...
"Uhh... what?" with a huge sweat drop "you love Tora Asako??"
"Well... like a close friend! Don't you go getting any of those ugly ideas of your Aotsuki Ushio! I like Tora a lot, but not love him! Got that!"
"Well, no need to be so sensitive about it!"
"... Baka!!!" T___T "any way, when ever you make a choice when to leave, give me a call, I'm gonna call Mayuko right now and see if she can join us!"
"Okay, I'll call you after an hour to get a chance to talk dad into coming with us!"
"Oh-yeah! I'm sure Oji-san would love to join!"
"Yeah..." mumbled the boy 'actually I want him to join to make sure Tora doesn't go doing any thing funny!' thought the boy to him self hanging up the phone handle and heading to the living room to talk to his elder man...

Somewhere else...

"Yawn!" yawned the female beast awakening from her daze, licking her chops, rubbing sleep out of her face and craning to the dens entrance, she closed her eyes still feeling lazy and scrolled her hand in search of her child... that wasn't there! O_O?? "Yuji?" Kage breathed craning to where her child used to sleep, all emotions of fright, worry, and evil thoughts dashed into her mind...
"...?" Startled from the sudden movement and noise, Muma opened his eyes to see his mate scooping away the dead leaves of their bed panting with tears in her eyes, head jerking to every which way whispering to her self "Kage! Honey what's the matter?"
"Yuji!!! Yuji's gone!!!!" the female stated almost shouting, voice mostly gone... her green ivy eyes shimmered with tears...
"Yuji??" startled, the dark brown male craned around, only to see that no one was in the den any more, but them, and the snowstorm had ended and it was morning... craning back to his frightened mate, the male held her by the shoulders "Kage! Relax! Maybe he's out side with Ann!!"
"Ah-ah-out side??" the female breathed, blinking once she whipped away her tears and dashed a run out side...
"Kage!!" the male cried running after his mate...

"Mom??" the golden female called walking to her worried mother "what's wrong mother? You look like you just woke up from a nightmare!"
"Ann! Where's your brother??" clutching her child's shoulders madly shaking her like crazy "where is Yuji??"
"Y-Yuji??" confused and busy being shocked by her mother... after Kage stopped and drew in a breath, stars and birds chirped above the young golden females head, feeling her dizzy scull "I thought he was with you two!"
"...!!!" face going pale, the female almost fainted...
"Kage!!" grabbing his mate before she passed out, the dark brown male eyes her and gave a worried face, craning back to his female child "have you seen him Ann? He was with us last night! But now we cant find him!"
"Yuji's gone??"

"Yuji??" a harsh ancient voice called "you mean this guy??" Tora sneered glaring a little beast perching on his head snuggled into his mane sleeping on the orange beasts head... the orange beast was sprawling on his side on the cold snow feeling annoyed and irritated...
"Z-z-Z-z-Z" Yuji was holding --actually he was hugging-- the orange beasts long floppy ears...
"After the storm stopped this morning, I went out side attending to have a walk, but then I found him on my head when I stood up!" the beast pouted slurring...
"Oh! Baby!!!" the light brown female hurried to her child picking him as he lightly mumbled off the elder beast head hugging, cuddling and kissing him till he was back awake...
"Mahh..." the little one mumbled with his baby voice...
"Oh-you naughty boy! You had mommy worried over you!!" the female scolded softly as she streamed tears nuzzling her child...
"Hope he didn't give you any trouble Tora!" said the dark brown male...
"..." Tora said nothing... cocking an eyebrow with sleepy eyes, eyes fixed on the child in its mothers arms...
"Uncle Tora!" Ann called "some thing wrong?"
"Uhh-huh?" the absent-minded beast slurred... "It just had me thinking..."
"How would it feel if I had kids of my own?"

Muma => -O__O- ?
Kage (who suddenly stopped cuddling Yuji) => =O.O= ?!
Ann => =O___O=??

"(Pause/silence)" craning his silver slitted eyes from the child, Tora blinked them eyeing him oddly "what??" he questioned...
"What did you just say?" Kage questioned...
"I didn't say any thing!"
"What was the last thing you said uncle Tora?" Ann softly asked, voice lost in surprise...
"Nothing! I just said that Yuji had me thinking!"
"... Of?" Muma asked...
"Well... things!" Tora calmly said, but truly not knowing of the words he said, thinking that he only though of them...


"Crazy demons! You should see the looks on your faces!!" the orange beast slurred as he trailed off voice lost as he chuckled, they really seemed zoned out for his point of view...
"Do you think we should find him a girl?" Kage slurred suggesting to her mate with a wicked smile "I'd be more than happy to be his match-maker!!"
"Count me in mom!" snickered the golden female "but one thing first, do you think we should tell Ushio??"


"Naaahhh!!!" both female said then blew up giggling, heading back towards the light brown females den...
"Now-C'mon sweetie!" said Kage to her child "Your not suppose to be out side in such a cold weather!" said Kage as she walked side by side with her daughter...
"Ann!" called Muma...
"Yes daddy?"
"Where are Yami, Kyofu and Jiaaku?"
"Jiaaku is out hunting practice, Yami and Kyofu went down to visit Lady Siren!" silence came, and the dark brown male slightly snapped as if remembered some thing, blinking "is some thing the matter daddy?"
"Oh-no! Go company your mother! I need to talk to Kyofu!"
"Okay!" smiled the golden female as she trailed after her mother...
"..." Thinking, Muma had things in mind "I think it's time for me to give Lady Siren a visit..." was all what the dark brown male said before heading out with a leap...

Back to Tora...

"..." Absent minded, the orange beast was thinking of the young child, remembering a short flash back about what had happened... 'I was merely sleeping when he came up to me...' Tora thought as the view came out... Tora was sprawling on his side in the two mate's den, sleeping in peace, but then, felt some thing moving on his head, something lightly tugged his ears...

What happened??

"Uhh-huh??" craning to his side, the orange beast saw a crimson tipped in milky tanned tail flickered, as Yuji stretched out one hand trying to grab the beasts ear, while the other rested on the beasts shoulder trying to be some kind of weight support "hey! What are you doing here? Go back to your mom!" the orange beast softly whispered to the child who quickly craned to the beast...
"...?" Saying nothing, Yuji sat back on his own little hunches, tail tucked, blinking with his two-colored eyes at the stripped orange face annoyed eyeing him back...
"Yes?" Tora pouted...
"...!" With a shy smile, Yuji extended a hand feeling the orange beasts face...
"Wha~!" dodging the little fellows hands, the orange beast glared "hey! Do I look like a toy to you? Beat it!" the orange beast hissed...
"...!" Eyes widening, fright and feeling uncomfortable, the little fellow wheeled tears in his eyes and was about to turn on his siren...
"Don't!!!" whispered Tora as he snapped, carefully picking up the child, resting him on his own orange shoulder nuzzling and cuddling "don't cry! PLEASE!!! What ever you do kid, don't cry!"
"(Sniff-sniff)" snuggling into that nice, warm, musky, thick, thick orange mane, the little beast shifted his eyes to lock back to the orange beasts silver slitted plates...
"How about a walk?" Tora wanted to keep the child away from his mother so she wont beat him up later, cocking a head, the little one said nothing, but gave a little happy sound as he felt the heat of the sun on his soft furry skin for the first time, seeing the whiteness of snow and the nice cool weather while being snuggled into the nice warm thick mane of the orange beast...

End of flash back...

"You know something... maybe finding my self a mate and having kids ain't such a bad idea after all!" the orange beast said to him self, talking to thin air, only then did he notice him self at the young light brown males thinking spot... blinking once, the orange beast gave a frown "I need a hot shower!" then simply trailed off...

Somewhere else beyond a shore...

"Ashley! Don't do that, you might hurt your self!" softly scolded the golden haired woman picking up her beast child who was playing with a prickly branch full of thorns, hugging then heading back towards a camp fire "I wonder what's keeping the skeletons so long!" the human wondered placing her child next to her...


"...?" Hearing that echoing sound of fright, the woman jerked her head around watching the two skeletons dash a run towards her as a huge beast like monkey with a huge club and red-bloody eyes chased after them specking 'un-correct-in-grammar' words...
"RUN FOR IT!!!" the samurai in blue cried as he dashed a run towards her...
"Oh-my!" said Betty-Su with a huge sweat drop, attending to run so she and her child wont get bashed by a huge club, the samurai in blue dashed his run and scooped her up, as the other in red scooped up the white female child... both surprised, both worried...
"Simon gonna make you into pulp!!!" the beast growled hovering his club "Simon was sleeping... you wake up Simon... SIMON MAD!!!" the thing concluded...
"...!" With a bigger sweat drop, Betty-Su gasped at the other samurai tripped and fell, as her beast child fell rolling and landing on her back "ASHLEY!!!" cried the human female extending an arm yet not reaching her...
"...?" Rubbing her dizzy head, then jerking her head up at the shadow that suddenly covered her, the little beast widened her ivy green eyes at the crimson plates glaring and sneering at her...
"...??" face turning from angry to curios, the huge beast laid down his club and grabbed the female beast with two hands and gazed at her "kitty??"
"...?" Confused and cocking an eyebrow, Ashley said nothing...
"Ow! You look like kitty!" smiled the snow beast "eyes like kitty mother too!" the beast concluded...
"Huh?" breathed Betty-Su as the samurai left her stand on her own feet "same eyes?" Betty-Su whispered "Excuse me!" she called the snow beast carefully walking to him... "Would you put down my baby?"
"Baby??" the snow beast asked, the human gave a nod "O-ky-do-ky!" smiled the beast placing down the child "soft like kitty too!"
"Um, who is this kitty?"
"Ann, my friend kitty!" the beast smiled "Kage her mommy!"
"K-Kage!!!???" stunned, the human bit her lip "Kage is Ann's mother, and they look like my baby??"
"Yeah! Kage green eyes really pretty!" the beast smiled "Ann and Kage Simons friends!!!"
"Simon! Is that your name?"
"Yeah! I Simon!!!" the beast proudly said pointing to him self with a thumb...
"Simon!" the human female softly said "would you be a dear and tell me where this Ann and Kage live?" winking her eye lashes...
"Duh... I take you to Kage!!!" the beast smiled gabbing the female and placing her on his shoulder...
"Whoa!!!!" startled hugging her child; the woman eyed the two samurai's who only shrugged...
"Okay! Me go play with kitty!!!" smiled the beast as he trailed towards the mountains with the woman on his shoulder, the two samurais followed...

At the meantime, at the Inn...

"What??" Muma said in a state of confusion "a little white female beast, of 'our' kind??"
"Yes! She was white like snow, yet with eyes in Ivy green, kind of like Kage!" Lady Siren said curled into a nice warm blanket... the inn was a mess, and the walls were no good, not keeping out the cold wind... "There was also this redness on her forehead, I think on the forelock!" the old spirit builder said concluding...
"Well, it's getting cold, would you like me to say with you tonight Lady Siren?" suggested Yami comforting the old woman with a mug of hot-tea...
"Oh-no thank you child! I'll manage! Besides! Tora-maru should be back by now!"
"Toramaru?" startled, the black male asked "but I thought you said Toramaru won't be back for three months!" Kyofu was a bit confused...
"I know... and I know Toramaru... when some thing goes wrong, he always comes back in time..."

"Don't I always?" a calm soft voice stated breathing through the air...
"Toramaru!?" stated the old woman eyeing the shadow of her man standing at the entrance where the door should've been...
"Siren!" the man breathed, long bangs as dark as midnight flickered with the cold wind, his traditional traveling clothing, and a long spear-like weapon with a split sword-head, something like a fishing hock, and a fox tail attached to the metal head... cat-like slitted eyes in gold blinked once "I'm so sorry for taking so long!"
"Oh-Toramaru!" Lady Siren wheeled tears in her eyes as she ran to her man, both held tight for a while and the woman sobbed on his shoulder "I'm so glad you back!"
"I shouldn't have left you! I'm so sorry!"
"No! It's not your fault!" Lady Siren smiled as tears dwelled down her face "it just doesn't matter any more!"
"..." With no other words, the man said nothing...

"Um, 'Tora' maru??" an orange beast asked cocking an eye brow "Distant Tiger??" Tora concluded, "That makes no sense!" pacing on that cold white snow, Tora didn't like the fact of having 'his' name a part of someone else's...
"...?" Startled and quickly shifting to battle pose, the male spirit builder took control "who are you??"
"Toramaru, relax!" said Yami "this it Tora! He's a friend!"
"Tora??" confused the same; the spirit builder glared the orange beast that only glared back...

"Kyofu!" Muma stated with a calm firm voice to his leader "I made my choice!"
"...?" Confused "choice?? What choice??"
"I'm leaving to search for Michel!"
"What??" Yami breathed, "Shouldn't you talk to Kage? You can't just go and leave her with Yuji like this!"
"I'm not leaving 'now' Yami! I'm not gonna do the same mistake twice!" calmly said the dark brown male "lets head back and see what this would end up with!"
"Okay..." sighed the tanned female... craning to the orange beast still glaring as his silver plates locked with the spirit builder, it seemed like electric waves were going about like thunder around the two of them... Yami and the others ended up with a sigh and swat drops as well...

How would all of this end??

A/N: okay, chapter six is done... things might get delayed to chapter seven though, and I might end up making this a 3 in 1 fic! You know! Three stories in one! I can't help but to be complex sometimes... Sigh... hope things end up well... R&R please!