Chapter Six:
Sky is clear, the breeze is soft and sweet, clouds all fluffy and beautiful in
white soaring slowly in the sky spring brings us so much joy one question whats spring without someone you love?
Mayuko craned to eye around, she was at the park with Asako feeding birds, oddly, something was driving her attention, and
she couldnt tell what it was Is something the matter Mayuko? Asako asked, her friend just suddenly jerked away looking
at nothing I thought that did you hear something? Hear something? Something like what? I dunno something like a
fall! A thud or something she muttered No! Why? Did you hear anything? Yeah I think I heard something! It was
probably your imagination, nothing here with a thud but those kids playing soccer! Asako eyed a few children as they played
near by Oh maybe that was it no it was not that! Im sure of it! It sounded heavy! It was something huge and thick, Im
defiantly sure! Might as well go home, Ive got things to catch up to, coming? Um, yeah pause, walking side by side
with her friend how do you think theyre doing? Baka and fur-ball? (Shrug) who knows! Probably beating the hell outta Akas
brother either that or each other!! the female smiled, stop thinking about it! They know better than to get them selves hurt!
I know Im just worried! Mayuko you worry too much! Asako smiled, I gotta go now, bye! she waved her hand as she ran
off um, yeah bye Mayuko waved her hand weakly, before clenching it, placing it over her heart, Im sure that there is something
wrong and gazed to the sky, hoping that what her friend said was true
~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~
How do you feel?
Ushio softly questioned his partner I feel like a train ran over me eyes weakly eyeing the human boy, where are we? Were
at Zebas place HELL! jilting in start, the beast clutched his chest in pain Tora! Ushio snapped, Its okay! Shes not
here right now! She said that shell be at the mirror room the boy soothed, does it still hurt? Uhh--no! the beast fibbed,
what are we doing here? voice coming weak and shaky, Toras silver slit eyes closed, head thrown back to land on that nice
cool puny pillow Maybe you need more rest the boy tried to smile, but deep inside, he was frightened, the beast coughed
blood when he re-awoke head slowly craning to eye the boy, the beast gave an amused face What? the boy flushed why
are you staring at me like that? Your face gone white and your eyes arent focusing, your inner side feels cold and silent,
youre blushing faster than usual, and your voice is awfully soft but shaky the beast said calmly were you crying? he asked
in what seemed curiosity and care !!! Ushio froze, and gained more crimson on the cheeks Your ears moved! the beast
teased with a slight smile, slightly chuckling, eyelids trembling, forcing them selves to close Tora? the boy called softly,
the beast just fell asleep again, Sigh hope you get better he whispered, kneeling there at the bed, Ushio felt cold and lonely
for some reason, like sh** if this is how it feels when hes down Id hate to know how it would feel if--NO! dumb-ass! Get that
idea outta your head! the boy knocked his forehead to the wall (Deep inhale) the beast was now deep into sleep Ushio
leaned his head and shoulder on the wall, sitting there legs tucked under him, but then his fingers twitched, alerting him
that he was still holding the spear, Tora he hummed, then drew in a deep breath as the view darkened, and he closed his eyes
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Zeba looked up, what do you mean? I mean its meaningless! You cant just search
randomly Zeba! You must at-least have an idea where he could be! Sigh (U__UX) Im trying my best Zallcos! the female hissed
at her brother, now shut-up or youre gonna be a dead duck! And Im not talking feathers! Fine! her brother barked only to
snap as the temple boy wobbled his tired feet their way, Oh! Ushio! Zeba called, are you okay? God you look beat! she
brushed back a black bang of hair, how is he? I dunno the boy shrugged, eyes closed, brows knotted, its the fifth time
he had awoken and fallen asleep again I dont get it he opened his tired eyes a crack, why isnt he waking up? Why is it that
he goes back to sleep? Perhaps Akira suddenly spoke, merging from the darkness of the place, he has no reason to do so!
Huh? the boy gawked, what does that mean? It happened to father once Ku stated, appearing next to his sister, only
mother was able to wake him up! So only with the presence of someone connected with a bond, he may wake up? Zeba questioned
Someone like a family or a lover perhaps? Zallcos suggested questioning Yes! Akira responded motionlessly Well
as for the family, weve got Ushio, but lover? (Sigh/white thing) Im defiantly sure its not me Zeba breathed in disappointment
I tried it Ushio whispered, but he just wakes up for a few minutes and falls back asleep! Well, do you know someone
he likes? Someone he has feelings for? Ku questioned Like SH**!! Its Tora youre talking about! the boy shouted in anger,
do you think I guy like him has--! Wait! and he froze, Mayuko?
Mayuko! Huh? It is Mayuko! To awaken your friend,
you must summon her! S-summon her? What do you mean? She is the only person that can awaken your friend she must do
it! Why her? She is the only way Way? Yes if she is lost both of you are Huh? Hurry! Your time is
growing near! Wait!
Wait! Wait? Wait for what? Zeba gawked the boy, waving her ashen hand in front of his
sight, are you alright boy? You just zoned out on us back there! Uhh-Im sorry I just remembered someone You have? Yes
Mayuko! Oh? The one with the gray eyes? Zallcos questioned, You think she could help? I have a pretty good feeling
shes the only one How come? Akira asked Somehow there has always been something about her and Tora I never could figure
out I just hope its what I think Well then, is all what we need is Mayuko? Zeba asked, Do you want me to bring in Asako
and Shigure as well? No! Dad and Asako shouldnt know about this well, not at the meantime, cause if Asako found out, Ill
be the one socked all over the boy weakly shaded a smile Oh, alright then, Ill go get her Zeba smiled as she turned towards
the magic mirror room
Ushio Zallcos started, do you need anything? You havent slept well last night Im fine he
smiled, just a bit tired Since it might take a while, how about if you go to my room and rest? Oh-no thanks, Im fine
actually I could sleep standing up right here! No I insist! Sleep in my room, you nee it! Uh--I guess a short nap
wouldnt hurt the boy trialed away side by side with the sorcerer Akira eyed them now, no one left but her brother and
herself Ku eyed her worriedly Hope fathers alright she hummed Yeah Im really worried
~*~*~*~*~ Say,
where IS Maru-Sama? ~*~*~*~*~
silently atop a thick green tree, the elder dragon was resting for a while, back
on the tree, head resting back, one leg loose and one tucked under him, arms folded behind his head (Rustle-rustle) something
was under the tree he was on ?? eyes snapping in attention, the elder dragon moved as slow and soundless as possible to
eye what on earth was going about below him ? ocean gray eyes searched around, funny I knew I heard something ! baffled,
the elder dragon froze as he eyed the living wonder, talk about simple beauty! he hummed to himself, absolutely taken, eyes
fixed on the human girl as she searched for something Mayuko A female voice called Hn? the female turned Did you
find it? a huge figure crept closer Sigh no, Ushio never did like gardening! This grass is so long I cant seem to find
it! (Ushio?) The dragon whispered to himself, She knows him? Allow me then! a huge slender light chocolate brown demon
female smiled as she extended her claws, slashing the long grass out of sight, only for a small ball to roll softly a few
feet away, ah! So thats where it went! The female demon smiled Kage! a voice whined, what are you doing out of bed? it
scolded, only for another bigger darker in brown male demon to walk in Ho Muma Im fine! the female tried to smile, but
to the dragon point, she was pale and as her mane/hair braided rested on her shoulder, she hardly seemed capable of keeping
her balance steady ? now absolutely puzzled, the demon watched, then craned a bit to the side to see a smaller cub pouncing
on the ball, cutely playing Yuji Kage walked to her child, dont put it in your mouth! You dont know where its been! she
scooped him up and nuzzled him Mah~! the child exclaimed nuzzling back his mother, ball in his small chubby claw-less
hands but then blinked the elder dragon, ? (Finger on lips saying hush!) Maru-sama didnt know he was in someones property;
hed better stay covered till they leave Mah~! the child gurgled, one hand on her cheek What is it honey? Kage asked
hunn! he locked his two colored eyes on her I think hes trying to tell you something Muma stated I know that!
Kage smiled, what is it honey? Are you hungry? (Shakes head) the child wanted her to see the dragon
Mom a golden
female called, Hey, why are you in this place? Shouldnt you be in bed? it somewhat scolded Maru-sama gained a sweat drop,
just how many of these demons are there?? And the human girl is calm and smiling, it seems that she doesn't fear them in any
way Aw~ honey, not you too! the elder female whined, Im sick of being sick in bed, I just wanted a little fresh air! she
responded Mom you just hadnt been your self lately, were just worried about you the golden female said, I dont want you
to get sick again Aw~ Ann honey Ill be fine! Kage Mayuko called, maybe you should go inside, its getting kind of hot
here right now Aw~ (Groan) not you too Mayuko! the female gave a pout (Giggle) Sorry Uhh--! the female felt her
head suddenly I feel dizzy and almost collapsed Kage! Muma barked as he gripped her, she was still holding tight to her
child Mom! Ann called in start, and then scooped her startled brother, its okay Yuji, dont cry she soothed, then eyed
her slightly panting mother whats wrong mom? Dad! Whats wrong with her? U-I-uhh Im okay Kage hardly kept her eyes open
Im just a little dizzy she whispered Thats it! Im gonna glue you to bed! the dark brown beast hissed as he scooped up
his mate and walked away towards a near by temple, ignoring her efforts of negotiating with him
Mayuko gave a worried
sigh, attending to walk after them; she froze, and couldnt help but to notice something blue on top the tree Huh? leaping
soundlessly, to land right in front of her Oh! Mayuko gave a startled gasp to flinch a step back, but didnt scream, didnt
run, she just stood there, and eyed that green scaly creature that fixed its blue and cat-slit eyes on her Gomin-nasai!
the dragon calmly said, I didnt mean to frighten you Oh-it is alright Mayuko slightly smiled, Um are you related to Akira?
she cocked an eyebrow, tucking her tawny hair behind her ear Why yes! You know of her? amused, Maru-sama didnt know that
she had met his daughter Yeah! I met her in the festival two days ago Mayuko smiled, then slightly shifted around to notice
the little beast child running her way Mai! Yuji squeaked, crimson tail lashing, and then shyly hid behind her legs as
he eyed the dragon Yuji Mayuko smiled, scooping him up she nuzzled him, you shouldnt be here! Friends of yours? the
dragon questioned, and she dipped her head Odd, humans and demons dont usually get along Oh~ weve lived together for a
while, we kind of gotten used to it! she smiled, why are you here? Looking for Akira? No Im looking for something else
he responded
Well zippidi doo daa! a female voice sung two birds in a jack pot! Zeba appeared from a portal, Maru-sama!
Where have you been? Akira and Ku have been worried sick about you! Zeba? both gawked Hn? Yuji cocked his head ?
noticing the child Cha~! Zebas eyes went gaa-gaa Kawaii!!! she squeaked, such a cute little angel! the exclaimed in excitement
-O,O-;; Yuji hung to the human in start, Hnn hes scared Aw~ Im sorry! I didnt mean to scare you! she smiled, but oddly
and quickly calmed and locked her golden cat-slit eyes to the female Mayuko ? We need your help! ? heart throbbing
painfully, Mayuko knew something was going to happen Mayuko! a voice deeply shouted, a chocolate brown blur swooshed its
way parting the dragon and the pixy from the child and the human, Who are you? ivy green eyes flashed Kage! Wait! Mayuko
called in haste theyre friends! Huh? the female jerked to the human friends? Whoa! Zeba breathed, Who the hell are
you? Mind your mouth girl! Kage hissed, You touch either Mayuko or my baby and you can kiss your guts Gbye! O__O?
Zeba was totally puzzled, do you have any idea what shes talking about? she asked the dragon, and he only shrugged, Uh-anyway,
Mayuko ? Im afraid its necessary that you would come with me! And why the hell should I let her go with you? Kage,
its okay! the human soothed what is it Zeba? What do you need me for? Toras out cold ! Kage froze, eyes shot and frozen
And we cant seem to be able to wake him up What? the elder dragon breathed, Why didnt you tell me? We didnt know
where you were! the female hissed, and besides, like I said, your kids were worried! You didnt go looking for Kiro by your
self did you? Well I-I-uhh HUGE sweat drop Zeba Mayuko softly yet worriedly spoke, is he alright? Hes out cold!
Ushio tried his best, but its like he doesn't want to wake up! Are they hurt badly? the light brown female softly breathed,
the shock was still stuck in her throat
Mah! Yuji called his mother, she and the human were oddly feeling cold, he
didnt like that Baby Kage scooped her child Mayuko Uh-yes? Im going with you What? Mayuko snapped, B-but Kage!
Youre not well enough! Its my dream! Im sure we could do something about it! Muma wouldnt like that! Oh (Evil
smile) Muma is a bit tied-up right now, he wont mind!
Geez! I didnt know Kage knew professional sailor knots! Oh-hold
on a sec dad, this knot is so complex! Sweat drop
Your dream? Zeba gawked, meaning? Take me to Ushio, Ill explain
later Mai! Yuji squeaked What is it honey? Bai! he cutely smiled Bai? Maru-sama blinked, how old is he? About
6 months Mayuko smiled, but really Kage, I dont think you should come! I mean you dont even know what kind of battle theyre
going through! I dont care she nuzzled her child, I just need to be sure of it (Sweat drop) the dragon and sorceress
gawked ANYWAY! Zeba barked, Im running out of magic power here, I cant keep the portal open forever ya know! she slightly
glared, Move it! Who comes, comes, and who doesn't come, doesn't! Might as well move Maru-sama said calmly, then leaped
into the portal Cmon honey! Zeba smiled to the human girl Um--? looking at the female, Kage seemed really worried
Let me come with you Kage somewhat pleaded Im sorry Kage, Muma and Ann would never forgive me if I left you join!
the female tried to reason Sigh dropping her gaze, pausing, Kage locked her eyes to the girl, please be careful her eyes
glittered Mai! Yuji called Mayuko, childish hands wanting to grab her, Yuji didnt want her to leave Be a good boy
Yuji Mayuko smiled then leaped into the portal Um, please Zeba started, Shigure and Asako are not to know about this now,
Ushio would tell them after its over Youd better watch it girl Kage hissed, If anything happened to Ushio, Tora or Mayuko
and drew a deep inhale, glaring teeth gritted I understand, you dont need to worry the sorceress smiled, then leaped into
the portal
Unh! Yuji slipped out of his mothers arms to chase after Mayuko YUJI! Kage snapped, but he was
already in, YUJI! driven mad, Kage jumped after him a sec before the portal closed (Eye-blinding lights enveloped the
space) Oomph! the female landed on her side, uhh Mah? the child blinked her cutely K-h-Kage?? What are you doing
here? Are you alright? a teenage male voice stuttered Uh--? snapping, Kage jerked up, eyes in ivy green locked with two
black orbs, a pale face, and black hair, Ushio! she breathed Mai! Yuji ran to the boy, arm thrown up saying carry me tail
lashing (Slightly chuckle) Ushio kneeled down and scooped up the child, what are you two doing here? he eyed the female
Mommys naughty boy decided to go on an adventure without asking permeation! she indirectly somewhat scolded her child,
and Yuji slightly shrunk in Ushios arms Hunn he squeaked Kage Mayuko called, are you alright? Yeah the female
slowly replied, eyes in ivy green fixed on the boy, hands cupping the boys face, Kage couldnt stop her eyes from tearing,
Oh I was so worried about you Ushio Kage Look at you! she stated youre so pale, and you look so beat she hugged him
slightly nuzzling him, thank God youre alright she slightly sniffled Mah~! Yuji eyed his mother, she felt warm yet her
heart was throbbing, he was beginning to worry about this Yuji she eyed her child, then slightly frowned, give me one
good reason not to spank you, you naughty little boy! Whats the idea of jumping like that? Hunn her child sniffled Aw~
Im sorry baby she scooped him nuzzling, I know you wanted to follow Mayuko, but you scared me! she said softly, noses touching
Yuji just looked down with a sad baby-face
Father! Akira barked in start as she saw her father, with a relieved
smile she hurried to him with an embrace, Oh~ Father youre alright! she snuggled her face in his chest Sorry for taking
long Maru-sama smiled hugging her back, and then eyed his black-mage son, Ku! ! Ku just blinked in start, cocking his
head, Um, yeah? Wanna join? Maru-sama extended an arm Uhh--(Flush)--no thanks dad! Im just glad youre okay the male
smiled slightly, then fixed his eyes on the slightly puzzled light brown demon female Um?? eyeing the temple boy is Tora
alright? dropping his head down, hands clinched, eyes shaded in his bangs; the boy almost shrugged I dunno voice hardly
hearable Ushio Mayuko softly called, what do I have to do? black glittering orbs fixed on his friend, Ushio sniffled
and tried to smile, this way he whispered Ushio Zeba called, and he weakly eyed her, dont push it too hard, it would only
drive to madness I know he whispered, leading his friend to the demons resting place Kage eyed him, she wanted to
follow, but knew she shouldnt, hugging her child, then eyeing the place she was at, the feeling was odd, where are we? she
asked the pixy Oh-youre at my place! she softly smiled, and honestly honey, you look beat! How about if you take a rest?
Oh-I cant Kage smiled, besides, I want to know if Tora would be alright, and also I have to stay awake to look after Yuji,
and he can be quite a handful you see I just hope hes alright Its okay! You can sleep in my room while Zallcos, S-S and
I look after your kid! Oh, no really, I cant! Its okay! Besides! I love kids! Zeba smiled, dont worry and rest easy!
I guess eyeing her child gawking now be a good boy Yuji she smiled and kissed his forehead Cmon this way! Zeba led
the tired female to her room
~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~
Tora? Mayuko gasped in start, eyeing the beast laid there
on his side on a velvet red bed, room dark, you cant see the walls, either that or theyre painted black absolutely motionless,
head slightly tilted and breathing rhythmically We have to talk to him somehow to make him wake up Ushio said quietly
But hes asleep, he cant hear us, can he? she whispered quietly, Ushio walked to him, kneeling besides the bed, holding
the beasts hand, think with your heart, dont talk with your mouth he softly said, Now help me he eyed his friend Okay
Mayuko dipped her head, walking to kneel besides her friend, both holding the same hand, three hands now bonded in one grip,
the two humans concentrated, eyes closed, hope grew
Tora Tora can you hear us? Hey! Baka! Get up! Ushio! You
should wake him up, not yell at him! Whatever Sigh Tora Tora please wake up Uhh who? Brat? Tora! (Excited)
Tora are you okay? A** H***! How much longer are you just gonna sleep like this? Wake up already! Ushio! Dont be rude!
Mayuko? Wha~ how? Where are we? Uhh--! (Ushio was a bit startled, the demon didnt call his friend Hamburger girl like
he usually does) how are you feeling Tora? Funny my whole body feels numb and cold, but I feel something hot surrounding
me Tora, please wake up we need you! Mayuko Im trying Im just I dunno I feel like its not in my hand Tora (Ushio
barked) we still have some butt-kicking to do! How long are you just gonna lie there? You think I have a damn choice?
I cant move! (The demons voice shouted) and that what worries me ? ?? Why is it that I can feel everything yet I
cant move? Tora youre just out cold Unconscious? Yeah! You just need to concentrate! Please Tora, work with us
here! Im trying I just cant! Its not that you cant stupid! Its that you dont wanna! Of course I want to! No
you dont! Youd rather lie there and die like a dog! WHAT? (Furious/growling) I want to wake up, I just cant seem to do
so, why wouldnt you believe me? Because if you really wanted to wake up, youd be aiming to eat me! So why arent you? O~
(totally pissed off) Im gonna eat you alright! Tora! Ushio! Please dont!
OW~! Ushio snapped, only to feel a snapping
pinch pulling his cheek Had enough? the beast softly chuckled as he awakened, releasing the boys face, if I werent so
tired Id hit you he sneered Tora! Mayuko cheered, ocean gray eyes glittering, Oh youre okay she carefully threw her arms
around his head, softly nuzzling thank God Uhh--! (Flush) Hamburger girl? he questioned, were you really there? Yes!
Mayuko sweetly smiled, hands cupping the furry orange face how do you feel? Hell lot good! she snickered at the boys painful
face, feeling his sore cheek A** H*** Ushio shouted, then snapped as his cheek hurt hnn but ? ? I still feel
a bit sleepy the beast yawned
You are out of danger now, sleeping would give you no harm!
I guess its okay
this time Ushio smiled, then smiled widely as the beast rolled to his stomach and snuggled hugging a nice cool puny pillow
and went fast to sleep I guess its all over now Mayuko smiled, and I guess there was really no need for me Of course
we needed you Mayuko! Tora never wouldve snapped out of it if you werent there! Yes, but your fight was the reason he woke
up Hey! There is more than one way to piss a cat! Your cheek is swelling! Mayuko breathed I know (Sweat drop)
lets go to Zeba, she can take care of that, and we can check on Kage too! Yeah! Lets!
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
(Sleeping peacefully) Kage really needed a long rest, laid there on a nice cool puny dark purple velvet bed, covered
by a nice warm thick blanket, her child napping cutely besides her Poor Kage I bet Muma is furious about her leaving like
this right now Mayuko whispered to the temple boy Nah~! Hes not that hot-headed is he?
O~ when I
get my hands on her Ill nail her feet to the floor! (-T___T-X plus steam blowing atop his head) Take it easy dad! Im sure
mom and Yuji are okay! Dont get so angry or youll end up with white hair! Shes the reason I have white hair! -T__T-X Err--never
mind Sweat drop
-,-||| (White thing)
Hnn~ the female smiled snuggling her child, both still asleep but
then Yuji woke up startled, !! eyes blinking sleepily yet frightened, he eyed his mother then the two youth as they closed
the bedroom door knowing nothing of his awakening Go back to sleep child, its too early a voice deep yet soft spoke to
the child, a pair of soft greenish-blue pupiless slit eyes shined in the dim light ?? confused, the child perked an ear
as he eyed the new creature walk its way a fur of velvet gray, mane/hair in purplish-red, forelock slightly curly shading
the eyes it was another female demon, a bit larger than his mother, eyes passionately fixed on the sleeping females face sleep
child, much is yet to come the new female smiled, softly nuzzling the child then eyeing the exhausted female, much-much is
yet to come she whispered softly as she trailed away Yuji froze, something about his new female felt new, yet familiar
~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~
Oh so hes okay now? Zeba squealed in excitement, Oh-thank God! (Oddly hissing) S-S
was irritated at something Sweetie whats wrong? Zeba questioned as she scooped him up whats bothering you? (Calmed
a bit) eyeing his master, being so close feels good! Well, do you think its okay if I went back to the temple now Ushio?
Oji-san and Asako are probably worried Mayuko suggested Yeah, I guess its over now he smiled a bit but dont tell them
anything yet! We dont know how things are gonna be like, and if I know Asako right, shell barge in this battle uninvited!
Okay, I wont ocean gray eyes smiled passionately to the temple boy, just be careful, wont you Ushio? I will he responded
Okay, ready to go home? the pixy smiled Oh-wait! Mayuko snapped, what about Muma and Ann? I cant keep it a secret
from them you know! (Sweat drop) Ushio forgot about them Who? Zeba gawked Muma is Kages mate, Ann is her daughter
Zeba! Akira barged in running, wheres father? Huh? I dont know, why? Is something the matter? Uhh-Im
not sure, Kus diamond suddenly went berserk and he cant stop it! she breathed in haste What? O__O;; the human youth squeaked
Hes shooting spells all over the place! Wheres Zallcos? Why isnt he doing anything? the sorceress hissed in anger Um--(sweat
drop)--Ku accidentally turned him to stone!! WHAT!!!!! T____TX you stoned my brother? It was an accident! O__O;; Accident
my foot! Ill take care of this personally the sorceress growled quickly pacing to a near by room, Oh-and Akira! Uh-yes? Maru-Sama
is probably in one of the guest rooms, look for him there! Okay and sprung away Ushio, Mayuko, stay here where its
safe was what she said before vanishing into the darkness of her dungeons Whos Ku? Mayuko was feeling frightened, do you
think everything is okay? Ku is Akiras brother, hes a black-mage but I have no idea how things are gonna be like the boy
worriedly responded, Hope Zallcos is okay
Really? a deep ancient voice chuckled weakly, stone isnt much of a problem,
as long as he doesn't get shattered apart HUH? Ushio and Mayuko jerked in start, black orbs and ocean gray fixed to slit
silver plates Tora! Mayuko squeaked in relief, pacing to him, arms around his neck, Oh-thank God youre alright Snap!!!
Wait! You shouldnt be out of bed! she somewhat scolded I aint no baby female he said softly, lazy silver eyes fixed on
the boy (Faint blush) Ushio said nothing, not moving, only his fingers wrapped tight around the spear dark orange
tail lashed, and then the beast sat back on his hunches looking dizzy, one hand feeling his forehead Tora? Mayuko called,
placing a hand on his shoulder, the beast felt a bit cold Im fine just a bit foggy thats all! he soothed the female, his
hand on her own, and then eyed the boy again Brat? he asked calmly Yes? Ushio tried to be rude, but couldnt, he was feeling
so relieved that his friend was alright he couldnt even growl What happened? the beast was still missing a few threads
about what happened, last thing I remember was being swatted by that thing, then something blew up and he felt his head again,
my head is killing me! Sh** what a headache! I need coffee bubbles popped over his head in dizziness Thing? Mayuko turned
to her friend what thing? Kiro called it Arcadia! Its so gigantic; I didnt get a chance to see how it looked like sweat
drop Im as big as a flea compared to it Was it that huge? she asked, then eyed the beast again, it didnt hurt you badly,
did it Tora? (Sulk/pout) -T,T- Err--never mind she nervously and sheepishly laughed
Bah! a childs voice squeaked,
a little light brown fur-ball rolled in dizziness harmlessly thwacking upside down to the beasts lap where he sat !!!
all three gawked the child cutely grinning to them Yuji? Here? That means Kage is--!! Tora blinked, then covered his eyes
and started chanting this is crazy-this is crazy-this is crazy-this is crazy-this is crazy-this is crazy--(looking to his
lap, the kid is still there)--*I* must be going crazy he sighed Kage was worried about you and Ushio, she insisted on
coming because she couldnt help it Mayuko reasoned besides, shes beat, shes sleeping in Zebas room now looking at the
child playing on the beasts back, pouncing on the dark orange flickering tail, I wonder why isnt Yuji sleeping Ba~h! the
child giggled finally grabbing the beasts tail ba? Mayuko thought about it, and then snapped, almost flinching a step
back Papa? O_o;;? O__O? Ushio gawked the beast startled face, No way! Tora froze, startled, we can even hear his gulp
hardly drained down his throat, stiff neck shifting his head to look at the child climbing his back while playing Ba~h!
he tugged the beasts floppy ears Ba-Bah~! Toras face went blank and the background went black stripped in blue with a
horror song all gained sweat droops This is a problem Ushio crossed his arms Yeah his female friend agreed Mai!
Yuji called the ocean gray eyed girl, cutely saying carry me arms thrown up with a smile, Mayuko scooped him up and cuddled
him; hope Kage can think of a way outta this she looked at the sick-looking beast, Tora! Are you okay? O__O;; (Wobbly)
the beast gave a dizzy glance before drawing in a deep breath; he needed to maintain himself
Yuji? a startled female
hurried out of the room, glancing the three and her child, Oh! hair/mane in a mess, a stray bang crossing her face, oh-Im
so sorry for causing so much trouble the chocolate brown female said, weakly smiling Mah~! he squeaked happily, and then
giggled as she scooped him up nuzzling him Oh-you naughty boy, stop pacing around like that! she somewhat scolded guilty
baby face blinked cutely ivy green eyes drifted to eye a pale orange thunder-beast Bah her child said softly, one
hand reaching to the beast !!! Kage snapped, Now Yuji I told you its not Tora she said quickly and she sounded nervous
Yuji thinks Toras his dad? the boy felt absolutely dazzled Me? And him? Tora and Kage barked in the same time, jerking
to lock their eyes together, noticing that they both did that in the same time--pause--they both quickly jerked their faces
away blushing right out of their fur
Ku! Ushio barked, All of you must stay here he demanded,
and then quickly sprung away Not that I can go anywhere the beast muttered tiredly, then eyeing the female beast, she
looked more beat that he was Uh--wed better head back home Kage weakly spoke, feeling cold, tired and drained out completely
Are you going to be okay Kage? said Mayuko, I think you still need to rest for a while No Im fine dear! I need to
get back home before Muma blows his top! eyeing her child Yujis been so hyper-active, Im hardly catching up on him! (Giggle)
the strength of youth I guess! she smiled You dont seem to be able to catch up on him anyway female, something the matter?
the beast softly questioned Im fine, really! she weakly smiled ! the ocean gray eyed girl snapped in start, she just
saw something zoom by and it seems she was the only one who saw it Mayuko? Something the matter? the female asked uh-n-no!
she smiled, I just thought I saw something Oh the female closed her eyes to take in a breath; she was feeling still dizzy
Mai Yuji called Mayuko What is it sweetie? cutely swung his arms carry me! style I dont think so little man!
Kage scolded, Youre going to sleep, got that! Hunn! the child whined Quit your whining! she frowned, were heading
home as soon as I figure out how (Anime-fall out) Mayuko eyed the beast as he crashed, are you okay Tora? Im fine
he growled, fingers twitching -U__U-X
(Cough-Cough) Zallcos had to clear his throat being stoned sucks! he hissed
Its okay n_n;; Zeba tied to sooth, brushing dust off his shoulders Why did you go all berserk for anyway? the boy walked
in after the siblings softly scolding the dragon male, Akira worriedly walked in, side by side her father came in as well
Im sorry! I dont know what took over me! Ku reasoned, feeling nervous and dizzy, then reached out a hand to fix his eye-patch
Kage fixed her eyes on the elder dragon, Maru-sama, and he did the same, but yet both said nothing Akira eyed her
father, and then looked at the light brown female, cocking an eyebrow, she looked back at her father, then the female again,
and then gawked, something was going on between them, she just couldnt figure it out Father? Ku called, is something the
matter? the male dragon noticed the female as well Kage blinked in confusion, the younger male was his son? Mah? Yuji
wanted attention I see you have awakened the elder dragon smiled, I hope you had a nice nap, you looked beat I still
am! she softly smiled, then Yuji started squirming from her hands ! Mai! the child called Mayuko, noticing that she walked
to the ashen sorceress Yuji! Stay still! Kage scolded (Ears quickly shifted down) whimpering with tears Mai! he sobbed
startled, Mayuko eyed the female Do what you want Mayuko, ignore him Kage side firmly Ma~i! Yuji cried again,
hands reaching to the ocean grays eyed girl But Kage, I--! Dont! Kage shouted angrily as the human female took a step
back towards them teeth gritted, thunder slightly cracked, eyes slit glaring, a rumble in her female chest !! Mayuko flinched
a step back; Kage was out of her mind! Probably went berserk again! Kage! Ushio quickly walked to her, calm down! Theres
no reason to get mad! he tried to reason (Glaring) Kage softened her glare, slightly panting, ivy green fixed to black,
Oh-Ushio she whispered, the temple boy scooped her child and left her feel her head, Im so sorry, I dont know whats wrong
with me lately, Im blowing a fuse too much she whispered tiredly You need to rest! Ushio said softly with a sympathetic
face, the female was slightly shivering, and shes not even controlling herself (Shivering) Yuji himself was frightened,
tears dwelling down his face, frightened hands clutching the boys tattered shirt (Heart throbbing) Mayukos face turned
slightly white, everything around her was beginning to fall apart, and the shiver went down her spine, she closed her eyes
and tried to brush away the thoughts, but she was feeling scared as well until a soft brush went against her cheek, ! Its
okay the ancient orange beast soothed, a soft smile on his orange stripped face
You know Zeba started, you all look
tired, why dont you all take a rest? she smiled softly, Im sure you all need it! I cant, not here Kage started, but then
froze as if saw something ? all gawked, and then looked to where she was staring, but all saw nothing except Tora, Yuji
and Kage were the only ones to see the new female again, sitting back on her hunches, a soft smile on her face Kage? Is
something the matter? Ushio questioned, the female zoned out for a while Im sorry, I just felt a bit dizzy she smiled,
but then again, it sounded as if something just moved away near them, something invisible! ? jerking to the female, the
orange beast wondered about the identity of this new female she was similar to the light brown female, but along with that,
she was a tad different as if they were sisters, but different in colors! Mah? worried, Yuji reached to his mother a
passionate smile, Kage scooped him back and nuzzled him, Im sorry baby then oddly looked away ? looking around, Tora saw
the velvet gray female smiling, she dipped her head then walked away into the darkness of the dungeons looking back at the
brown female, Tora felt puzzled, Kages face showed that she never saw that female in her life! Kage? Ushio called again
in worry, you dont look so good, why dont you go back to sleep? Yeah maybe your right she smiled in respond
transformed into a Labrador again, S-S came dashing in barking his head off Shifter! Whats wrong? Zeba said in start,
had something showed on the mirror? (Yelping) trying to say yes! S-S quickly reared to run back to the mirror room, and
all followed except Tora Kage and Yuji Who was she? Tora asked The gray female? Kage questioned, and he dipped
his head, I dont know, she suddenly popped out of nowhere since last week, she never spoke to me once, I have no idea who
she is nuzzling her child, but for some reason, I feel like I know her from somewhere Mah? Yuji called cutely, one hand
resting on his mothers muzzle Perhaps Muma would know Muma? Yes smile, I never told you how I met Kyofu and Yami,
have I? No! I dont think you have but I dont think is the time for memories female! We have a wild thing on the loose
and you have to go back home! Tora somewhat scolded I know she sighed, almost every time I bump into an AzaFuse I dont
know, it just so happens that s/he has knowledge of Muma How come? Muma told me that he used to be a traveler in his
youth before we met Howd you meet old brownie anyway? Tora mocked as they slowly followed the others to the mirror room
Taifuu met him when he was five, and somehow, Muma didnt eat him, and they became friends when Taifuu turned 17 the war
ripped my family, and I met Muma when he helped us escape And that when you were to die? I had the spear, and instead
of dieing, I transformed What about your kid? The garnet fastened in the bow pulled him in God he was only 23 back
then The bow? The one you left with one leg? Yeah I left the bow with Taifuus son, Gojo Kage then paused, three moths
after, I found out I was pregnant with Ann, I was scared the thought about it, would it be born beast or human it kept me
awake for days
When she was born I refused to believe it I used to be human! Why did I give birth to a beast? Kage!
But Muma said that hell always be there, beast or human, it matters not to him, as long as hes with me to keep his dept
Dept? Taifuu risked his life for Muma when he was 15 Mumas been secretly guarding the family ever since That means
Mumas older than you Yeah, he was about 300 older than I was How old are you two now? Us? Tora dips his head Im
630, Mumas about 980, (giggle) twenty more years and hell be 1000! pause how old are you, Tora? Promise not to tell the
brat? Promise! 1500! =O__O= blinking in start, b-but--you look so young! (Hot air went up his head) -^__^-
youre as old as you feel!
Hey! Ushio called as he walked back, what are you two still doing here! Cmon! he scolded,
then reared to go back to the room three said nothing, but then smiled to each other and walked into the room Mah-Bah!
Yuji gurgled, and both froze to gawk him Why does he keep saying that? Tora gained a sweat drop I dont think he means
it Tora! Kage tried to smile, I think hes just practicing the way to say it Well? Ushio hissed, standing a few feet away,
foot thumping angrily
Gomin! Kage smiled weakly Something the matter? Maru-sama asked as he stood behind the boy
Uh-oh-no nothing! Ushio said in start, found anything? No, I guess well have to search again, he couldnt have gone
too far pause, the elder dragon locked his blue eye to the female Ushio! Maru-sama! Come over here quick! Mayuko called
! both jerked to her and hurried into the room ! Tora leaped after them to see whats going on hn? Yuji cocked
his head, and then curiously eyed his mother; she was still staring at where the elder dragon stood Kage? a voice softly
called, Akira stood at the door, thats your name, right? Yes, and you are? Akira I know Aki means autumn/fall,
but whats the ra for? (Shrugging) carefree mode, the female dragon eyed the female, you look beat, and honestly Id take
a vacation if I were you A mother cant take vacations! I noticed weight shifting to one side, wanna go back home?
No, not yet, I need to make sure Tora and Ushio are going to be alright Why? Theyre not your kids! Maybe theyre
not, but theyre friends! Close and dear! blinking once in what seemed amusement, Akira gave a smirk, so you care? Of
course I care! frowning, something seemed to swarm in the dragon females mind, Bah--forget about it Huh? Whatever
she hissed and walked back into the room
Ann! Yuji suddenly squeaked, chubby hands reaching out Huh? Kage eyed
her child, and then her sight drifted to eye her golden daughter pace towards her, Ann? =O.O=! Mom! Your alright! she hurried
in her pace to nuzzle her mother, Oh-dad and I were so worried How did you get here? Kage asked in start This pixy
girl pulled us in a black-hole thingy Us? Yes! Us! a male voice hissed angrily, yellowish-gray eyes glared lazily as
the dark brown figure paced calmly Muma! Kage breathed, hugging her child worriedly, her mate was fuming Give me one
good reason not to drag you back home and glue you to the bed? the male growled Baba! Yuji breathed cutely ! startled,
Muma gawked his son, excuse me? -O_O-? E-Baba! Yuji smiled widely, arms thrown widely Hes been practicing it for you
all day! Kage smiled softly, hopefully, her mate might forgive her eyeing his son, absolutely dazzled, Muma wheeled a
very pleased smile and scooped up his child Aw so mommys little man finally spoke! he chuckled as he nuzzled him, but that
still doesn't mean youre outta this Kage! he frowned I know! =^,^=;;
Muma? a voice asked in amusement Huh?
jerking around, the dark brown male froze, Maru? Muma! a smile wheeled on the dragons face, long time no see! pause, so
its just as I thought, this females your mate, no? Yes, Maru-sama, this is my male, Kage, and these are my kids, Ann and
Yuji Hi! shyly Ann greeted ? cocking his head, Yuji was confused You know each other? Mayuko asked as she walked
in Yes, I didnt recognize them when I was on the tree, the view was blurry I guess Tree? Ann asked It matters
not, but I must admit, you have a very beautiful daughter Muma Thank you? blushing right out of the fur, Ann couldnt hide
her smile Yeah, and what makes me happier, shes getting wed soon Daddy! Ann whined in embarrassment Really? Yeah,
from a friend named Jiaaku Kage taunted, and her daughter gave a pout sulking away (Smile) Mayuko felt good about the
good news
Maru! Ushio called, hurry! We found Kiro! About time! the dragon hurried into the room Can we join?
Kage asked Mayuko as she walked in after the two I dont think Zeba would mind walking in the beast family was silent
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
What is this? Fist Mayuko, then Kage and Yuji, now Muma and Ann? Whats going on?
Asako growled in irritation Theyll be back, dont worry Shigure smiled calmly, now, I think you should go back home as
well, all call you as soon as anything shows up Sigh--okay and then walked away, hands in her jackets pockets, Ushio had
better have a good excuse for staying away so long she muttered to her self Sigh I hope theyll be alright Shigure eyed
the sky as it glowed in orange, sunset was drawing near, and its been some time since the beast and his son had left drawing
in a deep breath, the priest walked in, much he had to attend
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A/N: phew chapter seven coming
soon ^__^