Chapter three:
Quietly eyeing the guards walking around, a slitted eye drifted sideways eyeing
in shock as a shadow familiar to her was walking by she ducked back into the darkness of the dungeons, silent and calm two
guards walking around her father as they led him to his dungeon once more
lips almost trembling, her father was a
mess all scattered in blood stain, his slitted eye looking tired and warn out, his long fins on the back of his spin shambled
into a mess as well, his crystal blue eye slightly opened blood stain leaking from his mouth, cuffs on his arms twisting his
hands back ? a slight shift of the slitted eye told the elder reptile that someone was near, the sound of the startled
faint gasp told him who it was, he softly chuckled as he closed his eyes Whats so funny? on guard growled in confusion
eyeing the old lizard
Death awaits you! with a sudden firm voice, it had depth and echoes like a volcano ready to
erupt ??? the two blinked in start and confusion at the sudden change in the lizard emotion
Kya!! Akira screeched
Whirlwind! leaping a back flip, landing on his feet, the lizard man watched the two corps thud before even shedding a
sound, looking up, eyeing the female, he smiled lightly, nice to know youre alright the elder lizard said, Akira? he questioned
as the single tear drop fell from the females eyes, startled of her sudden shift in movement, she was hugging him tightly
Oh-father she sobbed a bit, Im so sorry silent, and with a passionate face, the lizard smiled, with the corner of
his eye he looked back, and with all his strength, he ripped the cuffs off his wrists, Greya!! he shouted, voice echoing throw
the wards ? looking at her fathers face, he just laid one hand on her head, the other whipping away the tears No need
to cry my child he softly said, Come! There is much to be done he held her hand and darted away ! startled, Akira ran
trying to catch up to his speed, her father may have been injured, but he is still as fast as always
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
how much longer? Im getting bored here! Tora growled to the boy, huge orange body resting in the shades of a dark ally
the matter brat? What time is it? I dunno! Theres no sun underground, imps dont like daylight the beast stated, but
we left the temple a short while after noon, so I assume it could be by sunset it could be night fall by now, who knows! the
beast shrugged the last few words, only leg dangling from where he slumped, arms folded under his chin Ushio calmly drifted
his eyes the see the beast there Ushio said nothing, he did nothing, he gave no move, and he just froze there, eyes fixed
on the beast, face calm and expressionless head slowly rising, the beast fixed his silver plates on the boys face as well
right then, right there, the beast thought that he saw the samurai he saw five hundred years ago, calmly eyeing him back,
his memory morphed the boy from that point of view to a bark cloudy thundering background, long cloud of black hair, cat slitted
eyes and a glaring hissing voice as he panted after pining him embedded to that stone Tora suddenly snapped and shock his
head harshly, blinking a few times wanting to get that view out of his head; the ancient orange beast eyed the boy again ?
Ushio gained a startled-worried face, something wrong? voice oddly calm and soft clearing his throat, things were beginning
to go wired in this kingdom, but then, Tora remembered something
~*~*(Flash Back)*~*~
Now remember! Zeba smiled
as she haggled the beast to death, his face snuggled into her bosom, one hand keeping his head where it is, the other cupping
his tender-part You might get affected by the atmosphere in the imps kingdom, too many spells floating around I guess Yes!
Akira stated, Dont over do your self thinking, you might end up driving your self crazy Akira is right Aka concluded, try
to keep your thoughts clear, some mages back home like doing spell experiments, usually most of them back fire! she somewhat
giggled, so when you start seeing things, it just might be some of the spells got to you, you just need to clear your minds
Whatever spell might happen, nothing can match my~ magic! Right cutey? Zeba snuggled the beast a bit deeper
Back End)*~*~
(Flush) Tora felt his forehead just to feel safe Ushio was still looking oddly calm, Tora? ? Ushios
appearance somewhat went fuzzy, Tora rubbed his eyes, and glanced again, !!! startled, the beast saw the priest, Shigure Sh**?
(SMACK/Yelp!) Tora? What--?? Ushio stood up and felt his head suddenly heavy, feeling his scull, he closed his eyes, eyeing
the beast again, ha saw something flash in white, nine tails and a huge set of jaws dart him, Ah!!! Ushio jilted and fell
back, only to snap at the beast gawking him a far distant away, wh-wh--what was that? What was what? the beast asked while
feeling his butt, for Tora, the boy was just standing there, then suddenly shouted and fell back Whered it go? Whatd
what go? It! What it? IT!! What IT????
Ah! Here it comes again! Ushio shouted and ducked Huh? jerking
around, Tora saw nothing blinking twice, he craned back to a shouting boy, !!!! dodging a spear head, Ushio went crazy attacking
the beast, HEY? What do you think youre doing? -OoO-;;!! Dont you dare!!! Ushio threatened, one eye cat slitted in purplish-green,
one eyes pupil went into a tawny dot, head leaning to one side, somewhat shaking, standing on one knee, one foot, kind of
wobbling Huh? Tora was totally lost, but then his sight went blurry, gawking the boy, who was no longer there, Tora saw
a woman, wrapped up in long pieces of white cloth, arrows pinned to her chest, heart and shoulders, eyes in white as she had
a smile and a soft passionate heart shaped face, a flower rested in between her fragile fingers, reaching a hand for him to
take, startled, Tora jerked and shock his head hard Brat! he shouted his lungs out Clear your mind! it was probably the magic
floating around that affected the boys mind Shut up you big bag o white fluff! Ushio sneered White fluff? what the
heck is he seeing? Tora thought (Twitch!) Ow~ something snapped down his rear, hey? Cant I even think of cursing? the beast
squeaked to thin air Nope! a soft giggling whisper drifted into his ear
Nagatobimaru! Akira shouted as she dashed
in, what happened? she eyed the boy Flipped his lid! I dont know whats wrong with him! Hey! Ushio suddenly squawked,
Do I know you? the boy asked the female while standing on both feet in his point of view, Ushio was seeing a woman, long,
tall, with eyes as mystic as his, long hair, and a heart shaped face that was so familiar, he could swear he saw it a thousand
times he just didnt remember who it was Confusion! Akira said, Probably got too close to a black-mage or something Black-mage?
We saw no one, how could he be affected? Perhaps someone passed you and you didnt notice each other! Akira a voice
firmly stated, he seems lost the elder lizard showed from the darkness as his eyes were fixed on the boy ! Tora snapped,
he didnt feel this guy coming! It pays to be cold-blooded! the old reptile smirked to the beast (Pout) -T_T- suddenly
springing with a leap, the old reptile gave Ushio a punch in the stomach knocking him out for a week -O_O-;;!!! Tora was
speechless Come! throwing Ushio over his shoulder, the old lizard said, as for the boy, even when he was knocked out,
it seemed as if the spear was fastened into his clutch, Ushio didnt even rest his fingers Akira walked after her father,
and then gazed at the beast, well? What are you waiting for? Nothing Tora grumbled, soundlessly walking side by side with
the two, silver eyes fixed on the boy Ushios face was calm and peaceful
~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~
(Eyeing the
mirror) Zeba was now beginning to worry, fluffy boy isnt doing so good against magic! He needs to raise his magic defense!
Zallcos muttered This aint no RPG game Zallcos! Zeba scolded Well Sheez! Sorry! he responded I hope Maru-sama
is okay, he looks run-over! Aka stated while getting angry, What on earth has Kiro been doing to him? How could he? How dare
he? The Raiko Family has been faithful to my family for years! How could he do such a thing? A brat I gotta tell ya! Zeba
slurred, Maybe I should send S-S to bite his ass! she showed her fangs while rubbing her dark kittys belly (Purring) S-S
was enjoying himself ^w^ Prr~ Shall we participate? Zallcos raised an eyebrow Why not? Zeba smiled, pointing a finger
towards the mirror, sending a bolt of sparkling stuff to pass right into the mirror as if a portal, to snap the beast right
in the butt! Oops! =O.O=! Zeba flushed, didnt mean that, honest!
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
??? feeling his
butt, Tora jerked around then murmured, I didnt curse, what was that for? he growled Gomin-nasai! a whispering voice apologized
Nagatobimaru Akira called from the darkness, Cmon!! she somewhat scolded walking after her, she pulled a rock
sliding it into an opening blocking their path, they were in a cave it was safe till things calmed down Go check on Ushio,
I hope father didnt hit him too hard the female stated Your dad can do what he wants with him, not that Id care ?
Akira blinked in startle, but I thought you two were partners! Whatever Tora muttered, trailing into the cave
the boy laid there on a grass made bed, the place seemed to be a small hideout of some sort eyes closed, face calm and
peaceful still, Ushio kind of simply slept there calmly shifting to look at the ancient orange beast, the elder lizard
fixed his eyes on him, Toras face was silent and cold like always, but fixed on the boy blinking at his confused daughter
who walked to him, Maru-sama said nothing (Groan) Ushio painfully woke up Tora said nothing still, its just that his
ears perked a bit up, and then jerked away eyeing the campfire Akira turned on, walking to it, he just sat back eyeing it
calmly Ugh my guts hurt Ushio closed his eyes tight, curled around himself, arms folded around his stomach, lying on his
side Sorry, I didnt means to hit you so hard the elder lizard said as he laid a hand on the boys shoulder, Maru-sama was
sitting next to him on the bed Easy for you to say the boy tried to growl with a faint smile, the elder lizard scared
to his daughter, is it ready? Yes, here it is Akira handed her father a small mug, this should fix him up! she smiled Yes,
it should shifting it to the boy, here, take this, it should cure you Uhh sitting up, Ushio blinked the mug, the stuff
was blue! O_o;; um-do I have to drink this? he gained a sweat drop If you want to get better! the elder lizard said Hey!
Ushio suddenly barked, Who are you anyway?? Oh-where are my manners? I am Maru Raiko, the master of the Dojo this is my
daughter Akira, and I suppose you have already met my son, Ku? Um-yeah, we have! Ushio breathed, and then shifted the
mug for a drink, Umh-hmm? Say! This stuff tastes good! Ushio smiled It a potion! Maru-sama smiled A what? (Chuckle)
patting the boy on the head, Oh-bare with it my child! You would be hearing a lot of such naming here, many spells and times
are using familiar callings you see Like in RPG games? RPG? Role Playing Games Ushio smiled, Im kind of into the
stuff right about now, ever heart of Kingdom Hearts? O_O;;??? Im afraid I havent!
Oh! Oh! I do! It has Squall and
Cloud in it! [© square soft] They might be human, but they~ are~ so~ Ka-wa-ii~! Akira oddly flipped her lid like an obsessed
teen fan-girl -_-||| her father said nothing, you and Ku have been around the human world a little too long!
gobbled in the drink then gave a breath, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand, Ah! That felt good! Where are your
manners? the elder lizard somewhat scolded Gomin-nasai
Father a voice calmly whispered through the darkness, and
eye in crystal blue softly glowed Ku! Akira spun around, hurrying in her pacing to embrace her brother, oh-youre alright!
Uh! Akira please, my shoulders hurt! Oh! Sorry Are you well? Maru-sama worriedly questioned walking to his son,
cupping his shoulders, only to draw them back slightly stained Its okay! the younger lizard smiled, black eye-patch covering
the eye with the diamond slowly peeking over his fathers shoulder, Ku blinked the temple boy, Oh! I see you are here as well?
Uh-yeah! Ushio smiled back Tora eyed the lizard boy calmly, crouching down, arms folded, lying on his side, the beast
had noticed something about the diamond, but just didnt want to say anything before he was certain about it
Okay Ushio
began, slipping off the bed and walking towards the three family members while feeling his guts, I still havent gotten a clue
of what happened! he somewhat asked, spear butt hitting the ground, Ushio used it to keep balance It seems that a little
magic gotten the best of you my boy, your mind manipulated your powers the wrong way Man-what? O_o;;? It means it
fully took control of you! Akira explained Oh! O.o;;! Nothing un-expected from a human Tora mockingly chuckled, it
played with him like a helpless little puppet! Oh-shut up Tora! Ushio flushed, he hated to admit it, but that stuff did
get the best of him but then he remembered the woman he saw, who was she? She seemed so familiar, he knew who she is, but
forgot who it was the name was on the tip of his tong, he just couldnt voice it out Something the matter? the elder lizard
asked, scaly hand resting on the boys shoulder Uh-no not really! Ushio tried to smile, but it came out as a small curve
on his lips on the side of his face
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
Zeba fixed her eyes on the beast; Tora--for
her point of view--was acting sort of different I wonder if things are still calm for the plan to work Aka asked her pixy
friend Zeba said nothing, but then her eyes in gold drifted down to her lap eyeing her sleeping S-S cutely snuggling Zeba?
Zallcos called, one hand resting on her shoulder, something the matter? You suddenly zoned out on us right now! There
is something on Nagatobimarus mind Huh? both asked I can not say what it is but I think its about Kus diamond Kus
diamond? Aka asked, but hes an AzaFuse, what would the diamond serve to him? You know of its powers? Zeba shot her golden
eyes oddly at her small friend in question Err-y-yes! Aka jilted in start, my father told me once, before he met my mother,
one day he was on a hunt, he was with Maru-sama and Ku when he was young What about Akira? She and I werent born yet!
Oh! Anyway, Ku was injured in the hunt, so father wanted to show how sorry he was for the loss of Kus eye, so he gave
Maru-sama the diamond and a seal to keep it stabled in place instead of the eye I was told later that the diamond was a family
inheriting, the diamond was created by many powers, I have no info about the diamonds creation, but I know its mystic in a
way, and its something like the Kimono-no-Yari it can turn its master into a fighting hunter, but not with long hair, it posses
many magic powers instead, and its very dangerous at times as well Meaning looking back at the mirror Nagatobimaru may
have felt its power? He may have felt familiar with it in a way? Zallcos asked S-S shifted in his sleep, giving a
slight mew at he purred Yes was all what Aka said, shifting her sight to eye the group once more
~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~*~
said nothing as he listened to the three lizards and a human chat about their plan to take down a rotted imp, he had no interest
in that subject, but the thing that bothered him, was when that magic stuff got the best of his mind who was that woman in
white cloth who was reaching to him? He felt something towards her, it felt strong, his heart skipped a heartbeat, he knew
he knew her, he just didnt remember who she was, as if she was in the forgotten part of his memory, to never be gained back
Tora? Ushio shouted scolding, youre not even listening! So all we gotta do is to sneak into the place, Akira and Ku
slip around the dorms covering our backs, Maru-sama and you head to the kings dorm, and I keep the guards busy? BRAT! That
is not even close to the word plan! Besides! My part isnt even fun! the beast protested Okay, so he was listening Akira
whispered to the boy Whatever the boy muttered, come on closer Tora! the boy whined to the beast, the four of them were
short distant away from the beast eyeing Ku, Tora felt a bitter snap in his spine, Im feeling dandy just where I am! the
beast responded Ku felt that, he felt a cold splash of water against his back in return ?? shifting to her brother,
Akira felt something, whats wrong? n-nothing! her brother muttered, My shoulders still hurt a bit Perhaps you need
a nap Maru-sama suggested Maybe Ku stud and walked to the bed, I do feel a bit fuzzy
But youre a lizard! Ushio
was trying to be funny Lizard? Oh-Uh! Maru-sama seems offended we--human--are not lizards! We are Dragons! Dragons??
Ushio doesn't believe that Baka! Tora chuckled, have you not noticed? dark orange tail lashed left and right, it seems
that Tora did know! Why did you tell me that they were humanized lizards then? Ushio scolded in anger and embarrassment
y-h-you bought that? the beast cocked an eyebrow in amusement, Ushio flinched and blushed, and he never thought that beast
was kidding about that subject Well--yeah! I thought you were serious! (Exploding in a chuckling laughter) T__TX
Ushio doesn't find that funny Sigh Maru-sama shook his head, the two were being silly, it matters not he stated, we all
must rest now, we need our full strength tomorrow! Okay Ushio dipped his head Tora said nothing, eyeing the others
scatter for a place to sleep feeling bored, Tora thought hed take a nap as well, there was much to attend, and besides, the
faster this plan is done, the faster hed get back to his normal size, the faster hed get the ugly thoughts about that pixy
out of his head, Zeba was his living nightmare!
~**~~**~~**~~**~ Ten drops of a water dragons tear Ten drops
of an ogres blood Three shards of a mystic blue garnet Three threads of the Kimono-no-Yari The heart of the apocalypse
All of those have been found...
The left eye of the dojos guard I feel it near...
But where is the
second pentagon of a somethings corner?? Where is it? Where could it be? Will I ever find it? Is it even here? ~**~~**~~**~~**~
! Ivy green eyes flashed in start, sitting up, eyeing around, a female beast saw nothing, slightly panting, she saw
a nightmare, and oddly enough, she remembered nothing of it walking on her four limbs, she walked out of her den, sitting
back, crimson hair/mane braded resting on her shoulder, ivy green worried eyes eyeing the nights beautiful sky Kage? her
mate walked out behind her, whats wrong? I dont know she answered like a frightened child ! cupping her shoulders,
Kage! Youre shivering! lips somewhat trembling, the female felt something bitterly eating her alive, she could feel it;
she just couldnt tell what it was Come back inside, you need more rest Muma escorted his mate back inside, their child
Yuji still fast asleep cutely curled around himself on the grass bed (Passionate smile) Kage curled around her child, nuzzled
by her mate, she rested back her head awaiting sleep Go to sleep, Kage! Muma soothed, facing her as he lied on his side,
one hand pillowed under his head, the other feeling her shoulder (Dipping her head) smiling back, Kage felt better, now
that Jiaaku and Ann decided--and declared-- that they want to be mates, they both live in Jiaakus den together who knows!
She might end up being a grandmother before expected! Happy with the thought, the female was back asleep
Black mystic
eyes flashed in her mind, they morphed into cat slitted purplish-green and blinked once, brows knotted in worry slightly tanned
skin showed with the rising light that boy, his beast friend, and that weapon all stood together in the same frame, until
something flashed, everything was covered in blood
GASP!!!! Kage jilted in horror, hand clutching her heart Ushio?
her eyes drifted outside again Kage? in start, Muma eyed her, what? The nightmare again? he sat up, only to see his mate
bolt outside KAGE! his voice deep and husky echoed throughout the den Unh Yuji woke in start, eyeing his dad, then looking
for him mother, not finding her, the child was frightened, about to cry, Yuji felt his father embracing him Hey-its okay,
go back to sleep kid Muma soothed, then drifted his eyes outside, Kage he breathed in worry
(Panting like crazy) eyes
wide open, heart throbbing in worry, Kage left her heart take her to where she could find the boy
~*~*~*~*~*~*~ A/N:
YUP! Chapter four is gonna be near, wanna read it? Review this chapter Im bad!