Lair of the Beasts

Fun Stuff
Music Videos
Song Lyrics

We All Change

We All Change..

By Lillith Crawford (Shahnida)

Disclaimer: Ushio and Tora arent MINE!. Theyre created by someone who obviously loves monsters, and had the makers of Tenchi Muyo dash after them to copy the Temple idea later on. So dont sue me! . ^,^

Warning: Yaoi,Rape, Animals( dont ask), Angry Bishonen, ( I know youll say Tora is no bishonen, but I THINK HES HOT!!!. Ugh..Farah, youre rubbing off your Sabertooth-infatuation on me)

Pairing: Tora x Ushio (..I wouldnt and I CANNOT see it any other way. :P)

P.S: any comments (and NO flames) ,if you have any..please feel free to send em to okie? .^_^

AOTSUKI!!!!!!!!!!! Asuko yelled at the top of her lungs. Ushio had some nerve to arrive over an HOUR late for their date ,while she had gone through immense trouble getting herself prepared for this. Right now, glaring at the 16-year old as he stood infront of her, his hair a mess and dressed in rags, she couldnt have hated him the most.

How DARE you, Aotsuki, HOW dare you?! she spat, much to the annoyance of the other people staring at her from inside the restaurant.

Mayuko tugged at her sleeve, whispering to her to be softer, but Asuko was on a rampage. They had planned to come to the Broiled Lobster , one of the poshest restaurants in town to celebrate her birthday, and Ushio had showed up dressed like a clown!.

..It wasnt my fault, Asuko, I swear protested Ushio, embarassed. How could he tell her that it had been Tora who had attacked him?. Nobody would ever believe the fact that his Tiger-skinned beast actually existed

Youve embarassed me for the LAST time, Aotsuki!!! she screeched, her eyes welling up in tears. She snatched the present Ushio had in his hand and before he could protest, threw it to the floor and stomped her foot on it. Mayuko gasped, and Ushio gawked in horror and embarassment.

Asuko!!! gasped Mayuko. She bit her lip and looked up at her friend, embarassed for Ushio.

Dont you dare show your ugly face infront of me AGAIN, Aotsuki, you HEAR ME?!? she yelled. GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!

Ushios eyes were wide in shock and shame. He couldnt believe that this was the Asuko he had grown up with.. it seemed she was a complete stranger now. His fist clenched over the spear he had wrapped up with him, and lowered his head , so she couldnt see the embarassement in his eyes. Or the tears..

He could see her feet. He knew people were looking at them now.. and whispering Good bye Asuko..Mayuko.., he spun on his heels and ran, as fast as his legs could carry him. This was the, he would have told herbut it was too late

He ignored Mayukos pleading cries to his name , and clutching his spear tight, his black bangs falling over his forehead, he ran all the way back to his temple.. his place of solace..his home.. as the clouds gathered above him and the rain began..

He didnt see the Orange-and-black flash of fur that follwed him..

He threw himself on his bed and sobbed. So, this is what Asuko was.. a person who believed in outer appearances rather than what he was inside. Even after all he had done for her, he felt awful.. what had happened to her?. She had always seemed okay with his crazy antics, but never embarassed him..never untilnow..

..girls.. pweh!. Who needs them anyway? a throaty voice spoke.

Blinking, Ushio looked up from his pillow and snarled, .. Youre not supposed to BE in here, you fat moggy!

Tora grinned wickedly. The boy looked a fright.. his black hair tousled, small scars on his face from where he had scratched Ushio.. and his clothes shredded . He had watched how Ushio had laid his clothes neatly, next to Asukos birthday present that he had bought with his savings. As he looked apon him now, Tora noticed the glimmering tears in the edges of the boys eyes.

.. you humans are so weak. You cry because someone yells at you? taunted Tora, smirking. He was larger than Ushio.. a beast of flame-orange fur streaked with black..his eyes were wholly white. Frightening to look apon, and his claws were as sharp as his teeth.. dagger-sharp.

Dabbing at his eyes with the back of his hand, Ushio snapped back, Thats none of your goddamn business, Tora! Leave me alone!

Tora let out a grunt, as he smirked to himself and leapt on Ushios windowsill. His long hair, spiked at the ends swayed softly as he turned his frightening head back to glare at Ushio.

.. Youll be unappetizing if you lose all the water in your body, brat. he growled. .. remember that Ill eat you as soon as I find you without that spear!

Ushio had had enough. He picked up a vase and threw it at Toras head, barely missing the beasts skull.

Ill slice up my own body and bleed to death..see how you like me DEAD, Tora!. Im sure youll love to eat a corpse!

Tora snarled, resting his front palm on his knee. .. Youre MY meal.. I wont LET you kill yourself. I just cant understand WHY youre acting all stupid and whiney just because a girl yelled at you.

YOU wouldnt understand you ass!! yelled Ushio. Its all YOUR damn fault that Asuko never wants to see me again I HATE YOU!!!.

Tora scowled as he turned his head. Never, even when he was horribly mad at him, had Ushio said he had HATED him. It was disturbing..

..Just why is it my fault? he asked, his voice a low growl.

.. Because.. because. OH, god dammit! groaned Ushio, throwing his hands up in the air. Because you ripped up my clothes and Asuko.. Tora Tora.. I.. GOD!!!

Tora looked at the crazy teenager, a sort-of smile playing at his lips. He looked so delicious, angsting and that spear was nowhere

.. girls are silly,Ushio. He spoke, dangling one leg out his window. should have a change of style.

Oh, just LEAVE me ALONE, Tora!

Suit yourself.

Tora floated out of Ushios window, grinning. The rain was still falling, and it got his fur wet.. ah, but it felt nice.., as Tora thought.

He flew up to his spot on the roof, smiling as the lightning flashed. He spread himself over the tiles and rolled onto his back, thinking..

* That Aotsuki is a bastard but that damn Asuko didnt have to upset him like that. He thought to himself.

* he doesnt need her.. he doesnt need her at all. Why would a human want to be with a puny other human wholl nag and nag and finally die?. *

The rain trickled down the front of his face, over his chest, over his whole body. Ushio didnt HAVE to cry.. he shouldnt cry at all. He should smile, and be happy..-

Tora caught himself then and there.

What on EARTH are you thinking, Tora?!?!. Youre actually worrying for the human now??. Youve been hanging around him too long. He thought to himself.

The air was chilly. He closed his eyes and slept.. almost like escaping into a world of darkness. The rain continued to fall..

..I HATE YOU AOTSUKI!!!!!!!!!!!

Ushio flipped around on his bed, grumbling. Damn that Asuko!. Who needed her?.

..Happy Birthday, Asuko... he muttered to himself bitterly, clutching his pillow tight. He couldnt remember a time when he had been this upset. Hadnt he braved the power of Tsubara to save her from being trapped in a water wheel forever?. Hadnt he fought off monsters that turned you to stone, for HER?.

His dark eyes looked to the ceiling and he gazed at it as if it was the greatest thing on earth.

Girls just dont like heroes anymore. He said to himself. Suddenly, being the descendant of the Samurai who could hold the Spear of the Beast seemed very fruitless.

He didnt hear the wind get faster for a little while..


Tora grinned, the shadows falling over his face. Now was a good time as any ; the boy was at breaking point. He wouldnt get THIS oppurtunity again, not if he waited another five hundred years to kill Ushio..

The light reflecting on his face from under him gave him an even more frightening look, and leaping ontop of the Temple gate pavillion, he looked around himself. The street was empty, save a few young boys who had come out of a store on the other side of the road. They seemed to be parting ways, Tora noticed.

One boy waved goodbye to his friends and turned to walk away. Maybe a little older than Ushio- and not frightening looking either. Infact, he was better looking than Ushio.

Ah, mortals, such a stench of life emits from your very being he thought.

1.1 He grinned, canines bared and leapt down om the unsuspecting boy. Mortals couldnt see him.. except for those who could hold the spear. And only one person alive could do that.

The young boy didnt know when he died.

The curtains in his room were ruffling. Ushio knew someone else was in here. If it were a monster, the spear would have rushed to him.. but it wasnt.

Raspy breathing..

..DARRÊ ?!,he hissed, reaching out for the spear beside his bed anyway. He wished he could turn the lights on, but he could make out the faint outline of a figure..

He jumped off his bed and aimed the spear at the figure. This wasnt his old man, this wasnt anyone he knew for that matter.

..Darre da?!(1),he repeated, his eyes narrowing to slits. Come on, Samurai, dont fail me now.. he prayed silently.

The figure stepped closer, and Ushio noticed, walking as if in pain. A faint sliver of moonlight passed through his window and through the clouds..

Ushio saw immediately who the assailant was. A young boy, probably late teens.. his hair long and an unnatural orange-and-black shade like a tigers.His build not quite so big, enough to call him a slender perhaps. He looked like a High School student, he was still in uniform, of some other schools kids Ushio had often seen hanging out in arcades and such.

He grit his teeth and pointed the spear at the boys neck. Whoever he was, he was in his room.. and this wasnt normal. This was too unreal!!. Why would some stranger waltz into his house,into his bedroom of all places? Was it a monster in disguise? Tsubura had looked human, (2).. but in the end, Tsubura had been a demon..

The boy didnt speak and only moved closer, and Ushio saw that his face was quite.. familiar. He couldnt place why. He was sure he hadnt seen this boy, and yet he felt like he knew him for a very long period of time.

If you kill him, you can be sure that it wont affect ME in any way, brat. The boy grinned. And then Ushio saw them; his eyes.

The white eyes, that deep evil within them.. the narrowed ,dark sneer that flowed through them, chilling his every bone..

..Masaka.. (3), Ushio gasped , snarling. The Spear trembled in his hand but it didnt transform him. It WAS a demon!....You little how DARE you

The boy grinned and raised a hand to tuck stray orange-and-black hairs out of his pretty face.

..Hello, squirt.

TORA!!!!!! Ushio gasped, dropping the spear.

It hadnt even hit the floor when Ushio realised that he would regret losing his grip on that spear for a very long time..

Tora smirked through his newly acquired bodys lips. It felt awkward ,he couldnt feel his canines ,but this form would have to do. His eyes followed Ushios shocked reaction to his realisation, and he grinned viciously, kicking it out of the way. In a human body, the spear would fail to recognise him as a demon, and he knew that all too well. It may be a miraculous thing, but Tora had waited too long for this to happen.. for the Samurai to be at his mercy..

I told you Id get you some day Aotsuki. he grinned, his voice unnaturally raspy to be coming out of the boys lips.

Ushio was trembling now. Tora understood the fear- because he was causing it.

..Are you scared?.. Your spear cant save you now, Aotsuki. I was going to eat you alive and crush your bones under my teeth, and hear you scream, but..

Toras eyes were the only thing about him that remained the same. That and his demonic strength that was coursing through this weak body. They narrowed darkly, his lips curling into a smile.

Im just wondering ..if after 500 years.. all I want is a mate?

M-Mate? repeated Ushio, blinking. That was the first thing he had said in what seemed like forever. He remembered Tora agreeing not to kill him on the condition that Mayuko was wed to him, but that never happened (4) and.. Tora was different now..

Tora laughed raspilly, his breathing getting faster. Oh,Aotsuki, I could jerk you off so badly, he thought cruelly, looking the boys form over. True Aotsuki was no prize, but a feeling in the back of his mind had always urged him on about the boy. Humans would be disgraced, but he was from the demon realm..

And in the demon realm, everything goes..

Ushio was trying to gather enough strength to attack Tora again when he saw orange-and black blurs surrounding him and Tora, the half-human, was infront of him.

.. This is for the disgrace youve put me through!!! The creature hissed, grabbing Ushio by the collar and tossing him on the bed. He knew Aotsuki would hate him after this, more than he already did.. but..

He didnt care.

Ushio jerked, trying to scramble out of the bed. He screamed, ..Ill never forgive you Tora!!.. I actually thought you were

Toras hair whizzed out and caught Ushio by the throat, choking him. Tora smirked.

Thought what, that I was a FRIEND?..

He remembered all those times when Ushio could have killed him,but didnt. And he thought of all the times when HE could have killed Ushio but he didnt. Oh, humans were so trusting, it was sickening. They trusted and they lied. He never got Mayuko, why should Ushio get Asuko?.

Toras hair clutched at Ushios neck tightly and he grinned when the boy struggled.

Thats it,boy, struggle. You cant do a goddamn thing about it. Youre MY prisoner now. growled Tora, pulling him closer.

The host body he was in didnt restrict what he could do anymore. If he wanted to do this, hed have to get it done fast. He raised his hand and his scythe-shaped claws shot out, and he scratched Aotsuki across the chest.

He laughed when he screamed.

..Tora.. why..why are you doing this to me???..I thought you were..

A FRIEND?? Dont make me LAUGH,boy!!

Ushio struggled to get some air.. however he could.. he was wrong. How wrong.. how so very wrong..

How could he have thought that this demon would be a trustee?. A comrade.. after all theyd been through.. at one point, him and Tora were inseperable.. they saved each others lives.. why was Tora being this way?..

He screamed at the cold sensation of claws at his chest and he gaped in horror as Tora, the half-human ripped his shirt off. He hadnt cut him up at all.

A sick feeling spread its way up Ushios stomach.. Tora wouldnt.. he knew it was immoral..

Toras hair loosened their grip on Ushios neck and dropped him. Ushio choked for a while, failing to recompose himself. Then Tora stepped closer and with sudden brute strength, he had him pinned to the floor.

Ushio had never felt this frightened in his whole life. Not since he had first discovered the monsters in his basement cellar, not since he had found Tora..

The half-human Tora smirked coldly above him and stretched his arms over Ushios, pinning him harshly to the wooden floorboards of the boys room. Ushios dark eyes were quivering, in disgust and in horror.. this couldnt be happening, not to him..

..Tora Tora, please no.. he spoke in a small voice, choking. His body tensed fully when the half-human lowered its lips onto Ushios neck and suckled the skin with his tongue.

Ushio froze. A part of him was re-energising the will to fight back, and he jerked violently to throw off the boy . Surely possessing a human form would weaken him?. But his attempt remained futile, Tora was as strong as he was.. probably even more so, if he was feeding off the other boys life force.

..Tora..whimpered Ushio, as the boy tiptoed his claw-edged fingers down his front , nudging a sensitive nipple. Ushios body tensed and he arched, groaning softly, and Tora smiled cruelly.

Will you be able to face anyone after this, boy? Toras taunting voice was by his ear. ..What if..Asuko saw this..?

Ushios eyes flew wide open and he cried out, shaking in a fit of rage. Damn you Tora!!Ill never forgive you for this!!Not even if you die a hundred deaths..Ill be the one to kill you in each life!!!

He screamed when Toras claw scraped his nipple. Was the flesh torn?. Ushio couldnt see..but he was aware that it still hurt. Was it blood..or sweat that was trickling down his body?. Was it him sweating?.

He looked up to see Toras body, ridden with sweat , exerting its weight onto him. Ushio clamped his eyes shut..he couldnt bear it. This was too much.. and..

When Tora began touching the humans pulsating hardness with his own, he immediately snapped to reality. He could feel the bulge between the half- human Toras legs and he screamed out again. Tora, Tora NO!!!

Tora laughed. An insane, sadistic laugh that echoed around the room. No?. Is that all you can say?. Why dont you admit that you like it when I do..this.. He bit into his neck, Ushio cursing. ..or this.. he scrubbed his free hand over his tensing nipples, then down to his navel...and even this.. hissed Ushio, raising his head when he sudenly felt a hot tongue between his own lips..

Ushio was so startled,he couldnt react. He tried to bite Tora, but then he felt the scythe-like claw at his neck.

Return it ,the orange and black haired boy commanded,and Ushio trembled, feeling the heat pump into his mouth. He could feel the warm liquid forming in his mouth as he sucked on Toras tongue,his eyes closing. He was trembling,and he was weak..

When Tora pulled out of the kiss, Ushio felt so dazed,he couldnt look straight. After a little while, he felt someone touching his hips and bucking them up. What..

When he tried to move his arms, he saw them stretched out and pinned to the floor by something he couldnt see.

Its called a kekkai no chikara (5),Ushio. Spoke Tora, as if he knew the boys thoughts. It works when I want it to.

Chikusho.(6) Groaned Ushio, trying to twist his legs out of Toras arms. Toras grip was steadfast though, and Ushio felt him run a claw through the front of his pants, he could hear the material tear and his body numbed with horror.

This is how the undominant male is when with another dominant male. Tora was saying with a vicious smirk, as he pulled down the trousers his host wore.

What a disgusting thing, thought Tora, looking at the swelling between the human hosts legs, that had multiplied to 8 times its normal size. But then, he had set out to hurt Ushio, and he would.

How he knew this would hurt..

..TORA!!.. Dont do this to me, I begACK!!! Ushio grunted as Toras orange hair threatened to throttle him to death.

Tora hissed and bucked up the younger boys hips so they were parallel to the humongous thing between the host bodys legs. ..Shut up brat!

Ushio squirmed, gasping for air. He knew what was going to happen.. and he wished he died before this nightmare could continue..

..Get ready..for your PAIN!!! Tora laughed in cruelty as at the very same time, he thrust violently into the younger boys young ass.

Ushio went numb, then pale. Then he screamed , his pulse racing faster than normal.. and his eyes welled up in tears.

No..No..Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he cried.. tears of humiliation spilling down his cheeks as Tora pulled out a little bit and thrust in again.

The beast laughed ,the masochism spreading through his entire being. Demons had it easy, and this was just too good. Such sweet human suffering.. such beautiful throes, such amazing angst coming from the boy who had tried to entrap him.

..How does it FEEL, Aotsuki????.. to no longer have CONTROL???? Tora laughed maliciously, bucking his hips faster and more violently with every thrust. He didnt lie to himself; he was enjoying the boys virginity being torn out of him. It gave him a sick and almost pleasurable satisfaction.

Ushios body jerked with each thrust and he cried out, his throat hurting as he tried to plead with Tora to stop. He cried out loud, he hadnt meant to be cruel to him.. he was sorry, but Tora wouldnt listen..

He felt his frame would snap into two ,but Tora wouldnt stop. His own orgasm flowed to his hardness, and he gasped as he tried to keep in the liquid and the ferocious pain raging through him.

Tora saw this and snarled, sweat running down the sides of his face. .. You LOVE IT!!ADMIT YOU, YOU FOOL!!

YES!!YES, TORA, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! screamed Ushio, his vision blinded by his tears. He bucked his hips with Toras, rhythmically moving with him in perfect synchronisation, as if dancing to some silent, fast song. If he complied, maybe Tora would let him go..

Only now, Ushio was unsure whether he wanted to be let go or not..

Tora buried his fingers into Ushios hips, the claws putting pressure on the boys skin, cutting through. The blood was trickling down his ass now, but Tora didnt seem to care. He roared ,his demonic heart racing in the boys chest, and he pounded even more ferociously into him. Ushios moans of pain were muffled now by the beasts grunting and panting.

Ushio swerved his head to and fro, trying to hold Tora in, trying to hold himself from spilling over. If he had ever wanted to lose his virginity, he thought to himself.. then he wanted to be dominant.. not intruded in..

His mind phased out for a bit, and he let out a huge moan. He heard Tora suck in a sharp breath as he pulled out of him, and Ushio knew what he was going to do.He felt his feet hit the wooden floorboards with a thud ,but he knew the worst wasnt over. He was paralysed.. that pounding had absolutely numbed him. He opened his eyes warily, trying to hope that by some miracle, the monster had passed out..

But he had no such luck.

Tora was now above him, and Ushio saw that the demonic form was taking over the boys body even more now. He looked beautiful..fierce.. in a scary sort- of way. His tiger striped hair was longer now, like it normally was, looking out of place on the human boys form. And he still hadnt put on his pants.

Ushio felt bile rise into his mouth as Tora kneeled over him and touched that huge shaft to his lips. Ushio turned away, his body slowly gaining some will to shake from his tears..

The slap felt harsher than anything he had ever felt in his whole life. No monsters claws, no fight injuries.. nothing could compare to THIS humiliation..

He groaned, and Tora knudged the host bodys shaft to the boys lips. Then he felt his hair get grabbed with such force that he cried out, and then it was in.

..Do it.. Suck it..Suck the disgusting thing till you burn your innards.., hissed Tora, a white gleam passing over his horrifying eyes.(7)

He gripped Ushios shoulders, clamping them with his claws and pinning him even more into the ground. Ushio thought the floor would break with all that weight.

Toras hardness was already swelling and Ushio began to suck at it, feeling horribly nauseous. His eyes were wet, pleading no, and the beast enjoyed it all the more. He groaned sharply, yelling,Faster,BITCH!!

Ushio felt the shaft slide lower down his mouth,until he thought it was going to clog his throat and kill him there. He felt it bulge inside as he sucked it in,and Tora snarled, spewing his load into the younger boys mouth. Ushio felt the liquid like molten lava ,searing through him,and he drank it in, his forehead breaking out into cold sweat and his heart refusing to stop beating.when he wanted it to, so badly..

He let out a loud sigh of relief..when Tora pulled out of him. He felt the beast shake ..then he felt a warm liquid over his face. Tora had come. His ass and legs felt wet and he knew that his liquids were trickling down on the floor too. He had never felt dirtier in his entire life.

You were pathetic, brat. The beasts voice trickled in his ears. Ushio sobbed inwardly, clamping his eyes shut. He had never hated Tora so much..

He felt a hand touch his chest and slide, gently, over it. Was he dying?. What was this gentleness?..

He moaned, shivering with the sharp spasms of pain that still scoured his very being. He slowly opened his eyes and tried to see who it was.

Ive stopped your bleeding a voice said. .. youre not going to die. The pain will go in the morning.

He recognised the was him..

Why are youUHNNNN!!Ushio groaned as he tried to move. He felt the hand touch his lips.

..This body is wasted. Its dead anyway. You wont see me after tonight,Brat.

He felt a shuffling ,then he felt lips on his own. Something warm trickled down his face. He unconsciously brought his tongue out to lick it.. it was a salty..liquid.

The lips continued to kiss him.. and he responded gently. Tears were running down his face. He couldnt tell whether it was from above him, or was he crying on his own.

The lips left and Ushio felt the cold air kiss him instead. Then a shuffling and creak of floorboards as the figure stood.

..Tora.. croaked Ushio. What was going on..?.. What he HELL was happening?

.. Im leaving you, Ushio. Toras voice sounded quiet. I did what I set out to do. Live ,knowing that I..Tora.. the greatest monster that lived on this planet.. overpowered the Samurai with the Spear of the Beast!.

Ushio heard him laugh, but he couldnt believe that it was TORA laughing so solemnly. He turned to see the beast- no- the

The boys flesh was ripped and Toras natural fur was protruding out of his back. The poor mortal must have died a horribly painful death..

Dont forget me, Aotsuki

The words echoed in the wind, and slowly the rain began to fall.

Tora!!MATTE yo!!(8) called Ushio, trying to sit up, but it was too late. The storm had begun. Ushio looked at the window, where Tora had been. He saw the dried up husk of what once must have been a human boy. Tears stung his eyes, and gritting his teeth, he forced himself onto his feet and trudged to the window. Each step was like taking a step on a shard of glass, and Ushio winced.

Clutching the windowsill, his eyes tried to make out that Orange blur, the flying tiger who had tormented him.. but he was gone..

Tora whispered Ushio ,into the dark rain. The sun must have risen, but he couldnt see it. He fell to his knees and cried.


Tora floated over the great plains of earth, his tiger-striped hair flapping wildly behind him. He knew what was to come; the end of the race of monsters.

..I cared for you, you brat.., he smirked smugly to himself. But theres no place for monsters in your so-called normality.

Cared, huh?. Tora really needed to shape up.

He saw the sun above the stormy rainclouds as he hovered over them.

The sky was black below him, and the sky above him was tinged a sunset orange. A small grin crossed the beasts face and he flew into the plains of eternity, where he could always remember a human who entrapped him with a spear.. and a human who entrapped him.. within his heart.

He was a monster, and Ushio human..

But maybe, just maybe..

Even a human wouldnt mind becoming a monster.

He looked forward to the day when a human would conquer him again.

The End


(1) Darre da??- Whos there??

(2)Tsubura is one of the supposedly bad dudes in Ushio and Tora, a blue haired sexy demon who lives in a water wheel and falls in love with Asuko because she turned him when his wheel was rusty. Dont ask. Voiced none other than Takehito Koyasu. I have never ,ever heard Takehito-sama sing as badly as he did in that one episode. ; _ ; Why do you torture me, Takehito- sama..?..I love you..

(3)Masaka?- It cant be, It isnt true, Oh god.. etc.

(4)In the manga, theres one part when (I think) Toras about to kill Ushio (apparently, the girls can see him) and Mayuko begs him to let Ushio live, and offers herself in marriage to Tora. Tora lets Ushio go, so you can see this story being a little AU by Mayuko not getting wed to Tora. (I wonder if that really happened.. If it did, I SO hate that little bitch!! >.<)

(5)kekkai no chikara- power shield (I heard that in Psychic Force..*drool*..Wong-sama..)

(6)Chikusho- Shit..

(7)- Toras eyes are FREAKINGLY SEXY,man!!!!No irises, no dilated pupils.eeeeeviiiiiiiil(how many times must I repeat this? ;D)

(8)MATTE yo!!- Wait!Stop!Hold it! Etc. In the context, it would naturally mean wait

-Thats all from me, I hope you enjoyed it!
